client/server command line apps made easy
cmdserver (v0.0.1)
client/server command line apps made easy
npm install cmdserver
API example
var util = require('util');
var app = require('cmdserver')(process.argv);
var stacks = {
vegetables: [],
meats: []
app.command('add <thing> <stack>')
.describe('add a thing to a specific stack')
.option('method [push|unshift]', 'method for adding. Defaults to `push`', 'push')
.execute(function (client, thing, stack, opts) {
if (!stacks[stack])
return client.send(util.format('don\'t know about `%s`', stack));
client.send(util.format('%sed `%s` to `%s`', opts.method, thing, stack));
app.command('show <stack>')
.describe('show the contents of a specific stack')
.execute(function (client, stack) {
var display = util.inspect(stacks[stack], undefined, undefined, true);
app.command('list stacks')
.describe('show all of the stacks')
.execute(function (client, stack) {
var display = util.inspect(Object.keys(stacks), undefined, undefined, true);
app.command('new <stack>')
.describe('make a brand new stack, hhyyeaaaaa')
.execute(function (client, name) {
stacks[name] = [];
client.send(util.format('adding new stack `%s`', name));
client/server model
You can start a server by doing this:
± node example.js -S /tmp/food.socket
file /tmp/food.socket
debug listening: '/tmp/food.socket'
Then, in another terminal session, you can connect to the server by running the same command:
± node example.js -S /tmp/food.socket
file /tmp/food.socket
/tmp/food.socket < help
/tmp/food.socket >
add <thing> <stack>: add a thing to a specific stack
method [push|unshift] method for adding. Defaults to `push`
show <stack>: show the contents of a specific stack
list stacks: show all of the stacks
new <stack>: make a brand new stack, hhyyeaaaaa
/tmp/food.socket < add beef meats
/tmp/food.socket > pushed `beef` to `meats`
/tmp/food.socket < add 'cold cuts' meats
/tmp/food.socket > pushed `cold cuts` to `meats`
/tmp/food.socket < add 'pork shoulder' meats method=unshift
/tmp/food.socket > unshifted `pork shoulder` to `meats`
/tmp/food.socket < new 'seafood'
/tmp/food.socket > adding new stack `seafood`
You can have as many clients open as you want, go nuts:
# in yet another terminal session
± node example.js -S /tmp/food.socket
file /tmp/food.socket
/tmp/food.socket < list stacks
/tmp/food.socket > [ 'vegetables',
'seafood' ]
/tmp/food.socket < show meats
/tmp/food.socket > [ 'pork shoulder',
'cold cuts' ]
# you can also perform one-off commands
± node example.js -S /tmp/food.socket "list stacks"
[ 'vegetables',
'seafood' ]
Using as a REPL
If you don't pass any arguments, it will drop you into a REPL
± node example.js
example.js> help
add <thing> <stack>: add a thing to a specific stack
method [push|unshift] method for adding. Defaults to `push`
show <stack>: show the contents of a specific stack
list stacks: show all of the stacks
new <stack>: make a brand new stack, hhyyeaaaaa
example.js> help list stacks
list stacks: show all of the stacks
- add port, host:port connection options
- add more tests, geez!