Sample addresses
This library includes sample addresses. This is used in demo documents.
About addresses:
A reference to an address is a reference to a Geo.cmacc file located in a given Country > State > County > City > Street > Number directory.
The way to display an address is by using the _adr_12.cmacc file (can be found in country/region specific libraries, for example cmacc-lib-us or cmacc-lib-fr)
For example: 55 Broadway St, Cmabridge, MA 02142 is a _geo.cmacc file created in USA > MA > Middlesex > Broadway St > 55 directory.
The file looks like this:
street_Num = "55";
zip = "02142";
street = [../../BroadwaySt.cmacc];
Note that the file references BroadwaySt.cmacc, which contains the info for the street:
$ name = "Broadway St";
$ city = [../Cambridge.cmacc];
Similarly, the street file references the city it belongs to, Cambridge.cmacc, which itself will reference the country it belongs to, and so on. Cambridge.cmacc is:
$ name = "Cambridge";
$ county = [../Middlesex.cmacc];
Middlesex.cmacc is:
$ name = "Middlesex";
$ state = [../MA.cmacc];
MA.cmacc is:
$ name = "Massachusetts";
$ statecode = "MA";
$ flower = "Mayflower";
$ constitution = "Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts";
$ country = [../USA.cmacc];
USA.cmacc is:
$ name = "United States of America";