Command Recaller
Command Memorizer [V1]
cm1 is a simple CLI tool for managing frequently run commands. It can be used to memorize chain of CLI commands, create short key aliases for easy recall and run processes at a later time.
Cm1 also provides a simple web GUI for managing commands .. This is particularly useful if you use / run same commands on different devices or if you are changing devices altogether. You can manage these commands from the web gui, pull them into your local device using the token generated from the GUI.
npm install -g cm1
Memorize a command
cm1 --add "git add --all && git commit -am {optional_placeholder}" basic-commit
Memorize the chained commands "git add --all && git commit -am {optional_placeholder}" and index with the key basic-commit
Recall and run memorized command
cm1 basic-commit "Init cm1 repository"
Run the command[s] indexed with basic-commit
passing "Init cm1 repository" as a replacement for any placeholders in the indexed command:
git add --all && git commit -am "Init cm1 repository"
Recall command but don't run
cm1 basic-commit "Init cm1 repository" --noexec
Just echo command on the CLI:
git add --all && git commit -am "Init cm1 repository"
List memorized commands
cm1 --list
Key: gc Command: git commit -am {message} && git push origin {branch} To run: cm1 gc Key: gr Command: sudo rm -fr .git To run: cm1 gr
Rename command key
cm1 -r basic-commit bc
Running cm1 bc "some commit message"
will now do git add --all && git commit -am "some commit message"
Modify command
cm1 -m bc "git add --all && git commit -am {commitmessage} && git push origin {branchname}"
Remove a memorized command
cm1 --clear bc
Clear all memorized commands
cm1 --clear
Set cm1 token
cm1 --init tokenvalue [-d]
Token can be gotten from If the -d flag is passed, tokenvalue will also be set as the default token to use with cm1.
Set cm1 token as default
cm1 --default tokenvalue
Push locally stored commands to cloud storage
cm1 --push
Pull commands stored in cloud storage to local storage
cm1 --pull [-f]
If -f flag is passed, pulled commands will overwrite existing commands in local storage else, a merge is made.