System for processing die-based checks in role playing games. Observable hooks allow outside systems to affect the check in some fashion.
#CM-MAZE ##Maze generation and management system
This pre-release version of cm-maze can help you create randomly generated mazes with ease! While only the most rudimentary scenarios are serviced in this pre-released version, the framework is designed to facilitate randomized maps with 3 (or more!) dimensions, with any cardinality of exit-points-per-node you wish.
var mazeBuilder = require( 'cm-maze' );
var maze = mazeBuilder.buildMaze();
This project is still in very early development. Today it (mostly) successfully generates randomized node patterns and can intelligently handle providing location and navigation services. There is also a super-cheap renderer which can be applied to any html5 canvas - this renderer will draw a picture of the maze. You'll need to run the library through browserify in order to make it work, however.
If you're curious to see more or contribute yourself, visit the following resource links: