An updated, customisable React Native video player for Android and IOS based on AF-video-player from abbasfreestyle
- Fullscreen support for Android and iOS!
yarn add clwy-react-native-video-player react-native-orientation-locker @sayem314/react-native-keep-awake
If you use iOS
npx pod-install
Prop | Type | Required | Default | Description
--------------------- | -------- | -------- | ------------------------- | -----------
url | string, number | Yes | | A URL string (or number for local) is required.
autoPlay | bool | No | false | Autoplays the video as soon as it's loaded
loop | bool | No | false | Allows the video to continuously loop
title | string | No | '' | Adds a title of your video at the top of the player
placeholder | string | No | undefined | Adds an image placeholder while it's loading and stopped at the beginning
logo | string | No | undefined | Adds an image logo at the top left corner of the video
theme | string | No | 'white' | Adds an optional theme colour to the players controls
hideFullScreenControl | bool | No | false | This hides the full screen control
style | number, object | No | {} | Apply styles directly to the Video player (ignored in fullscreen mode)
resizeMode | string | No | 'contain' | Fills the whole screen at aspect ratio. contain, cover etc
rotateToFullScreen | bool | No | false | Tapping the fullscreen button will rotate the screen. Also rotating the screen will automatically switch to fullscreen mode
fullScreenOnly | bool | No | false | This will play only in fullscreen mode
inlineOnly | bool | No | false | This hides the fullscreen button and only plays the video in inline mode
playInBackground | bool | No | false | Audio continues to play when app enters background.
playWhenInactive | bool | No | false | [iOS] Video continues to play when control or notification center are shown.
rate | number | No | 1 | Adjusts the speed of the video. 0 = stopped, 1.0 = normal
volume | number | No | 1 | Adjusts the volume of the video. 0 = mute, 1.0 = full volume
onMorePress | function | No | undefined | Adds an action button at the top right of the player. Use this callback function for your own use. e.g share link
onFullScreen | function | No | (value) => {} | Returns the fullscreen status whenever it toggles. Useful for situations like react navigation.
onTimedMetadata | function | No | undefined | Callback when the stream receives metadata
scrollBounce | bool | No | false | Enables the bounce effect for the ScrollView
lockPortraitOnFsExit | bool | No | false | Keep Portrait mode locked after Exiting from Fullscreen mode
lockRatio | number | No | undefined | Force a specific ratio to the Video player. e.g. lockRatio={16 / 9}
onLoad | function | No | (data) => {} | Returns data once video is loaded
onProgress | function | No | (progress) => {} | Returns progress data
onEnd | function | No | () => {} | Invoked when video finishes playing
onError | function | No | (error) => {} | Returns an error message argument
onPlay | function | No | (playing) => {} | Returns a boolean during playback
error | boolean, object | No | true | Pass in an object to Alert. See
theme | object | No | all white | Pass in an object to theme. (See example below to see the full list of available settings)
controlDuration | number | No | 3 | Set the visibility time of the pause button and the progress bar after the video was started
import React, { useState } from 'react'
import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'
import Video from 'clwy-react-native-video-player'
function VideoScreen({ route, navigation }) {
const [fullscreen, setFullscreen] = React.useState(false)
React.useEffect(() => {
navigation.setOptions({ headerShown: !fullscreen })
}, [fullscreen, navigation])
const logo = 'logo.png'
const image = 'image.png'
const source = '1.mp4'
const onFullScreen = (status) => {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
onFullScreen={status => onFullScreen(status)}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
backgroundColor: '#fff',
flex: 1,
justifyContent: 'center',
export default VideoScreen
To Do
- [ ] Option to use custom icons
- [ ] Support Immersive mode for Android
- [ ] improve multiple videos fullscreen support within a ScrollView
- [ ] investigate subtitle support
- [x] Support for iOS
- [x] Provide fullscreen support within a ScrollView
- [x] Customise specific components for better theming
MIT Licensed