Client library of zohocrm
Zohocrm - JavaScript client for zohocrm This SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build date: 2016-04-26T17:25:41.015-06:00
- Build package: class io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install zohocrm --save
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var Zohocrm = require('zohocrm');
var api = new Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi()
var authorization = "authorization_example"; // {String} The authorization tokens. The format for the header value is 'Element <token>, User <user secret>'
var body = new Zohocrm.Account(); // {Account} The Account object to be created.<br>With the exception of the 'id' field, the required fields indicated in the 'Account' model are those required to create a new account.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.createAccount(authorization, body, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createAccount | POST /accounts | Create a new account in the CRM system. Account creation will flow through Cloud Elements to your CRM service. With the exception of the 'ACCOUNTID' field, the required fields indicated in the 'Account' model are those required to create a new account.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createAccountNote | POST /accounts/{accountId}/notes | Create a note for an account
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createActivitiesCall | POST /activities-calls | Create a call
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createActivitiesEvent | POST /activities-events | Create an event
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createBulkByObjectName | POST /bulk/{objectName} | <span class='betaAPI'>beta</span> Upload a file of objects to be bulk uploaded to the provider.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createBulkQuery | POST /bulk/query | <span class='betaAPI'>beta</span> Create an asynchronous bulk query job.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createByObjectName | POST /{objectName} | Create a new object in the CRM system. The provided objectName can be that of a custom or standard object. Object creation will flow through Cloud Elements to your CRM service.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createCampaign | POST /campaigns | Create a new campaign in the CRM system. Campaign creation will flow through Cloud Elements to your CRM service. With the exception of the 'id' field, the required fields indicated in the 'Campaign' model are those required to create a new campaign.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createContact | POST /contacts | Create a new contact in the CRM system. Contact creation will flow through Cloud Elements to your CRM service. With the exception of the 'id' field, the required fields indicated in the 'Contact' model are those required to create a new contact.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createContactNote | POST /contacts/{contactId}/notes | Create a note for a contact
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createLead | POST /leads | Create a new lead in the CRM system. Lead creation will flow through Cloud Elements to your CRM service. With the exception of the 'id' field, the required fields indicated in the 'Lead' model are those required to create a new lead.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createLeadNote | POST /leads/{leadId}/notes | Create a note for a lead
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createOpportunit | POST /opportunities | Create a new opportunity in the CRM system. Opportunity creation will flow through Cloud Elements to your CRM service. With the exception of the 'id' field, the required fields indicated in the 'Opportunity' model are those required to create a new opportunity.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createOpportunitNote | POST /opportunities/{opportunityId}/notes | Create a note for an opportunity
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | createTask | POST /tasks | Create a task
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteAccountById | DELETE /accounts/{id} | Delete an account associated with a given ACCOUNTID from your CRM system.\nSpecifying an account associated with a given ACCOUNTID that does not exist will result in an error message.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteAccountsNoteByNoteId | DELETE /accounts/{accountId}/notes/{noteId} | Delete a note for an account
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteActivitiesCallByCallId | DELETE /activities-calls/{callId} | Delete a call
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteActivitiesEventByEventId | DELETE /activities-events/{eventId} | Delete an event
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteById | DELETE /{objectName}/{id} | Delete an object associated with a given object name and ID from the CRM system. Specifying an object associated with a given objectName and ID that does not exist will result in an error message.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteCampaignById | DELETE /campaigns/{id} | Delete a campaign associated with a given CAMPAIGNID from your CRM system.\nSpecifying a contact associated with a given CAMPAIGNID that does not exist will result in an error message. .
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteContactById | DELETE /contacts/{id} | Delete a contact associated with a given CONTACTID from your CRM system.\nSpecifying a contact associated with a given CONTACTID that does not exist will result in an error message. .
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteContactsNoteByNoteId | DELETE /contacts/{contactId}/notes/{noteId} | Delete a note for a contact
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteLeadById | DELETE /leads/{id} | Delete a lead associated with a given LEADID from the CRM system. Specifying a leadassociated with a given LEADID that does not exist will result in an error message. \n
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteLeadsNoteByNoteId | DELETE /leads/{leadId}/notes/{noteId} | Delete a note for a lead
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteOpportunitById | DELETE /opportunities/{id} | Delete an opportunity associated with a given POTENTIALID from the CRM system. Specifying an opportunity associated with a given POTENTIALID that does not exist will result in an error message.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteOpportunitiesNoteByNoteId | DELETE /opportunities/{opportunityId}/notes/{noteId} | Delete a note for an opportunity
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | deleteTaskByTaskId | DELETE /tasks/{taskId} | Delete a task
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getAccountById | GET /accounts/{id} | Retrieve an account associated with a given ACCOUNTID from the CRM system.Specifying an account with a specified ACCOUNTID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getAccounts | GET /accounts | Find accounts in the CRM system, using the provided CEQL search expression. The search expression in CEQL is the WHERE clause in a typical SQL query, but without the WHERE keyword. For example, to search for all accounts whose name contains the word 'data', the search expression parameter will be <i>where=name like '%data%'</i>. If a search expression is not provided, then the first 200 records will be returned. <p>If a value of true is specified for the includeDeleted flag, then any soft-deleted records will also be considered in the searched records.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getAccountsNoteByNoteId | GET /accounts/{accountId}/notes/{noteId} | Retrieve a note for an account
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getAccountsNotes | GET /accounts/{accountId}/notes | List notes for an account
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getActivitiesCallByCallId | GET /activities-calls/{callId} | Retrieve a call
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getActivitiesCalls | GET /activities-calls | Search for calls
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getActivitiesEventByEventId | GET /activities-events/{eventId} | Retrieve an event
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getActivitiesEvents | GET /activities-events | Search for events
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getBulkByObjectName | GET /bulk/{id}/{objectName} | <span class='betaAPI'>beta</span> Retrieve the results of an asynchronous bulk query.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getBulkStatus | GET /bulk/{id}/status | <span class='betaAPI'>beta</span> Retrieve the status of a bulk job.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getById | GET /{objectName}/{id} | Retrieve an object associated with a given ID from the CRM system.Specifying an object with a specified ID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getByObjectName | GET /{objectName} | Find objects in the CRM system, using the provided object name and CEQL search expression. The search expression in CEQL is the WHERE clause in a typical SQL query, but without the WHERE keyword. For example, to search for all contacts whose name contains the word 'data', the search expression parameter will be <i>where=name like '%data%'</i>. If a search expression is not provided, then the first 200 records will be returned. <p>If a value of true is specified for the includeDeleted flag, then any soft-deleted records will also be considered in the searched records.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getCampaignById | GET /campaigns/{id} | Retrieve a campaign associated with a given CAMPAIGNID from the CRM system.Specifying a contact with a specified CAMPAIGNID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getCampaigns | GET /campaigns | Find campaigns in the CRM system, using the provided CEQL search expression. The search expression in CEQL is the WHERE clause in a typical SQL query, but without the WHERE keyword. For example, to search for all contacts whose name contains the word 'jones', the search expression parameter will be <i>where=name='%jones%'</i>. If a search expression is not provided, then the first 200 records will be returned. <p>If a value of true is specified for the includeDeleted flag, then any soft-deleted records will also be considered in the searched records.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getContactById | GET /contacts/{id} | Retrieve a contact associated with a given CONTACTID from the CRM system.Specifying a contact with a specified CONTACTID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getContacts | GET /contacts | Find contacts in the CRM system, using the provided CEQL search expression. The search expression in CEQL is the WHERE clause in a typical SQL query, but without the WHERE keyword. For example, to search for all contacts whose name contains the word 'jones', the search expression parameter will be <i>where=name='%jones%'</i>. If a search expression is not provided, then the first 200 records will be returned. <p>If a value of true is specified for the includeDeleted flag, then any soft-deleted records will also be considered in the searched records.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getContactsNoteByNoteId | GET /contacts/{contactId}/notes/{noteId} | Retrieve a note for a contact
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getContactsNotes | GET /contacts/{contactId}/notes | List notes for a contact
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getLeadById | GET /leads/{id} | Retrieve a lead associated with a given LEADID from the CRM system.Specifying a lead with a specified LEADID that does not exist will result in an errorresponse.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getLeads | GET /leads | Find leads in the CRM system, using the provided CEQL search expression. The search expression in CEQL is the WHERE clause in a typical SQL query, but without the WHERE keyword. For example, to search for all leads whose name contains the word 'data', the search expression parameter will be <i>where=name like '%data%'</i>. If a search expression is not provided, then the first 200 records will be returned. <p>If a value of true is specified for the includeDeleted flag, then any soft-deleted records will also be considered in the searched records.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getLeadsNoteByNoteId | GET /leads/{leadId}/notes/{noteId} | Retrieve a note for a lead
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getLeadsNotes | GET /leads/{leadId}/notes | List notes for a lead
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getObjects | GET /objects | Get a list of all the available objects.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getObjectsMetadata | GET /objects/{objectName}/metadata | Get a list of all the field for an object.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getOpportunitById | GET /opportunities/{id} | Retrieve an opportunity associated with a given POTENTIALID from the CRM system.Specifying an opportunity with a specified POTENTIALID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getOpportunities | GET /opportunities | Find opportunities in the CRM system, using the provided CEQL search expression. The search expression in CEQL is the WHERE clause in a typical SQL query, but without the WHERE keyword. For example, to search for all opportunities whose name contains the word 'data', the search expression parameter will be <i>where=name like '%data%'</i>. If a search expression is not provided, then the first 200 records will be returned. <p>If a value of true is specified for the includeDeleted flag, then any soft-deleted records will also be considered in the searched records.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getOpportunitiesNoteByNoteId | GET /opportunities/{opportunityId}/notes/{noteId} | Retrieve a note for an opportunity
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getOpportunitiesNotes | GET /opportunities/{opportunityId}/notes | List notes for an opportunity
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getPing | GET /ping | Ping the Element to confirm that the Hub Element has a heartbeat. If the Element does not have a heartbeat, an error message will be returned.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getTaskByTaskId | GET /tasks/{taskId} | Retrieve a task
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getTasks | GET /tasks | Search for tasks
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | getUsers | GET /users | Find users in the CRM system, using the provided CEQL search expression. The search expression in CEQL is the WHERE clause in a typical SQL query, but without the WHERE keyword. For example, to search for all users whose name contains the word 'smith', the search expression parameter will be <i>where=name='%smith%'</i>. If a search expression is not provided, then the first 200 records will be returned. <p>If a value of true is specified for the includeDeleted flag, then any soft-deleted records will also be considered in the searched records.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateAccountById | PATCH /accounts/{id} | Update an account associated with a given ACCOUNTID in the CRM system. The update API uses the PATCH HTTP verb, so only those fields provided in the account object will be updated, and those fields not provided will be left aloneUpdating an account with a specified ACCOUNTID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateAccountsNoteByNoteId | PATCH /accounts/{accountId}/notes/{noteId} | Update a note for an account
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateActivitiesCallByCallId | PATCH /activities-calls/{callId} | Update a call
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateActivitiesEventByEventId | PATCH /activities-events/{eventId} | Update an event
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateById | PATCH /{objectName}/{id} | Update an object associated with a given object name and ID in the CRM system. The update API uses the PATCH HTTP verb, so only those fields provided in the object will be updated, and those fields not provided will be left alone.Updating an object with a specified ID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateCampaignById | PATCH /campaigns/{id} | Update the contact associated with the given CAMPAIGNID in the CRM system. The update API uses the PATCH HTTP verb, so only those fields provided in the contact object will be updated, and those fields not provided will be left aloneUpdating a contact with a specified CAMPAIGNID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateContactById | PATCH /contacts/{id} | Update the contact associated with the given CONTACTID in the CRM system. The update API uses the PATCH HTTP verb, so only those fields provided in the contact object will be updated, and those fields not provided will be left aloneUpdating a contact with a specified CONTACTID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateContactsNoteByNoteId | PATCH /contacts/{contactId}/notes/{noteId} | Update a note for a contact
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateLeadById | PATCH /leads/{id} | Update a lead associated with the given LEADID in the CRM system. The update API uses the PATCH HTTP verb, so only those fields provided in the lead object will be updated, and those fields not provided will be left alone.Updating a lead with a specified LEADID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateLeadsNoteByNoteId | PATCH /leads/{leadId}/notes/{noteId} | Update a note for a lead
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateOpportunitById | PATCH /opportunities/{id} | Update the opportunity associated with the given POTENTIALID in the CRM system. The update API uses the PATCH HTTP verb, so only those fields provided in the opportunity object will be updated, and those fields not provided will be left alone.Updating an opportunity with a specified POTENTIALID that does not exist will result in an error response.
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateOpportunitiesNoteByNoteId | PATCH /opportunities/{opportunityId}/notes/{noteId} | Update a note for an opportunity
Zohocrm.ZohocrmApi | updateTaskByTaskId | PATCH /tasks/{taskId} | Update a task
Documentation for Models
- Zohocrm.Account
- Zohocrm.Calls
- Zohocrm.Campaign
- Zohocrm.Contact
- Zohocrm.Events
- Zohocrm.Lead
- Zohocrm.Notes
- Zohocrm.NotesPOST
- Zohocrm.Opportunity
- Zohocrm.Product
- Zohocrm.Tasks
- Zohocrm.User
Documentation for Authorization
All endpoints do not require authorization.