npm package discovery and stats viewer.

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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Clone file into multiple locations




Test workflow nycrc Coverage npm version


npm install clonefile [-g]


In a Terminal

$> clonefile <source> <target> [options] 
$> clonefile [--source] <source> [--target] <target1> <target2>...<targetN>  [options] 
$> clonefile --sources <pattern> <target1> <target2>...<targetN>  [options] 


via CJS

const {cloneFile} = require("clonefile");

// "Source" and "target" can be strings or arrays of strings
cloneFile(source, target, {silent: true, force: true})

or via ESM

import {cloneFile} from "clonefile";

cloneFile(source, target, {silent: true, force: true})


Display file list in a directory without doing any copies

$> clonefile my-dir/ --list-only

💻 ↴


Clone a file

$> clonefile license.txt  


$> clonefile --source license.txt --target  

NOTE: The source and the target arguments can be omitted

Clone a file into directory

# Copy license.txt into my-dest-dir
$> clonefile license.txt my-dest-dir/  

Clone a file to multiple locations

# Copy license.txt into my-file-target-1 (file), my-file-target-2 (file) and within (my-dest-dir-1/) (directory)
$> clonefile license.txt my-file-target-1 my-file-target-2 my-dest-dir-1/   

Clone a directory in multiple directories

$> clonefile --force sourcedir/ my-dest-dir-1/ my-dest-dir-2/ my-dest-dir-3/  

Clone multiple files from a glob pattern to multiple directories with the --sources options (mandatory)

$> clonefile --force --sources *.txt my-dest-dir-1/ my-dest-dir-2/ my-dest-dir-3/  


C:/projects/clonefile/somefile1.txt => C:/projects/clonefile/my-dir-1/somefile1.txt C:/projects/clonefile/somefile1.txt => C:/projects/clonefile/my-dir-2/somefile1.txt C:/projects/clonefile/somefile1.txt => C:/projects/clonefile/my-dir-3/somefile1.txt

3 items cloned

C:/projects/clonefile/somefile2.txt => C:/projects/clonefile/my-dir-1/somefile2.txt C:/projects/clonefile/somefile2.txt => C:/projects/clonefile/my-dir-2/somefile2.txt C:/projects/clonefile/somefile2.txt => C:/projects/clonefile/my-dir-3/somefile2.txt

3 items cloned

C:/projects/clonefile/somefile3.txt => C:/projects/clonefile/my-dir-1/somefile3.txt C:/projects/clonefile/somefile3.txt => C:/projects/clonefile/my-dir-2/somefile3.txt C:/projects/clonefile/somefile3.txt => C:/projects/clonefile/my-dir-3/somefile3.txt

3 items cloned


NOTE: The --force option is required for cloning a directory

To help clonefile knows whether you want to copy a file to a directory or another file, always add a trailing slash "/" to folders.

Clone files using multiple glob patterns to multiple directories

$> clonefile --force --sources *.txt --sources ./sowehere/ --sources ../another-location/*.png my-dest-dir-1/ my-dest-dir-2/ my-dest-dir-3/  

Clone multiple files and folders from multiple locations and files and folders from multiple glob patterns to multiple directories

$> clonefile --force --source my-file-1 --source path1/my-file-2 --source path1/my-dir/ --sources *.txt --sources /another-location/*.png my-dest-dir-1/ my-dest-dir-2/ my-dest-dir-3/  
"my-file-1" and "path1/my-file-2" are regular files and will be copied to "my-dest-dir-1/", "my-dest-dir-2/", "my-dest-dir-3/"

"path1/my-dir/" is a directory that will be copied to "my-dest-dir-1/", "my-dest-dir-2/", "my-dest-dir-3/"

"*.txt" will copy all .txt in the current directory to "my-dest-dir-1/", "my-dest-dir-2/", "my-dest-dir-3/"

"/another-location/*.png" my-dest-dir-1/ will copy all .png in /another-location to "my-dest-dir-1/", "my-dest-dir-2/", "my-dest-dir-3/"


| Options | default | Expect | Description | |------------------------|-------------|------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | --silent | false | boolean | Whether to display messages | | --sources | "" | string | Glob Pattern to determine files to copy | | --source | "" | string | Regular file path for files or directories to copy | | --target | "" | string | Destination files or folders | | --recursive | false | boolean | create target directories if nonexistent | | --force | false | boolean | Allow cloning directories & Overwrite destination | | --progress | false | boolean | Display a progress bar during copy | | --clearProgress | false | boolean | Remove the progress bar when task complete | | --list | false | boolean | Print out the file list to copy | | --list-only | false | boolean | Only display the file list to copy in an array formatted for Js. No copy will be done | | --dry | false | boolean | Print out all operations, but without making any copies | | --no-limit | false | boolean | Ignore the limit set on copies (10000 by default). | | --hide-overwrite-error | false | boolean | Don't display error messages on overwrite. |


--progress option example


📁 package                
│─ 📝 index.cjs (2.1Kb)  
│─ 📝 index.mjs (2.3Kb)  
└───📁 src
│   │
│   │─ 📝 clonefile.cjs            ⇽ CJS version      - Node (25.1k unminified)
│   │─ 📝 clonefile.esm            ⇽ ESM version      - Node (25.7k unminified)


  • Fix --recursive option ignored when invoked programmatically
  • Restore the --recursive option
  • Add the option --hide-overwrite-error
  • Allow copying with clonefile and clone functions
  • Follow symlinks
  • Generate code for ESM with to-esm
  • Fix help command not working
  • Replace the --force option with --no-limit to allow unlimited copies
  • Increase the default limit for copying at once to 10000 (Use --no-limit to remove limitation)
  • Copy with no limit when cloning programmatically and add a --no-limit option (cli) to enforce unlimited copies
  • Add --list, --list-only and --dry options
  • Add the option --clearProgress
  • Add a --progress option to display a progress bar while copying
  • Copy symlinks
  • Fix --force option not working with cloneGlobs
  • Review file limits processing (5000 instead of 200) (To increase or reduce that limit, create an environment variable called CLONE_FILE_MAX_PATTERN and pass the new limit)
  • Increase limit files to copy from 200 to 5000
  • Fix js error in cloneGlobs
  • Use clone and cloneGlobs for programmatic copies
  • Import the clone function to copy from code
  • Add various fixes
  • Deprecate the --recursive option with --force
  • Allow selecting multiple sources with the --source option
  • Do not stop at the first error
  • Make --force option automatically be --recursive and --overwrite
  • Allow cloning a directory
  • Replace the --verbose option with --silent
  • Fix cloning when options misplaced