set up a quadrant in viewport, click in 4 ranges of quadrant to generate a password ,and then to trigger something
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what for
Set up a quadrant in viewport, name of each range is as follows:
A │ B
C │ D
after that, clicks in each range can generate a sequence, use this sequence as a password. If this sequence match the pre-set sequence, pre-set function will be executed.
Download or install via npm (npm install click-password)
import ClickPassword from 'click-password';
// init click-password with pre-set sequence(like 'ABADA' or other sequence composed of A, B, C, D) and callback function
new ClickPassword('ABADA', ()=>{
//Callback, Do Something
}, true/*whether print debug logs*/);
Or import via script element:
<script src=""></script>
// init click-password with pre-set sequence(like 'ABADA' or other sequence composed of A, B, C, D) and callback function
new ClickPassword('ABADA', ()=>{
//Callback, Do Something
● Browser console will print "click-password info: config OK!" after click-password's initialization.
● Callback will be executed as long as pre-set sequence is clicked, match the pre-set sequence from the first click is not necessary.
● Callback will be executed only once, only if the web page is reloaded.
● The declaration file for use with TypeScript is located at "dist/click-password.d.ts".
Click 'ACABD' to trigger the show of vConsole(developer tool for mobile web page) in production environment.