Uses regular expressions to dynamically identify and list commonly used clichés in a body of text
A writting utility that uses a regular expression glossary to dynamically identify and list commonly used clichés
npm install -S cliches
const cliches = require(`cliches`);
const text = `
as "ugly as sin itself" oh ...
and yet he was totally under her thumb`;
const result = cliches.test(text);
console.log(result.length); // 2
console.log(result); // [ 'ugly as sin', 'under (his|her) thumb']
The glossary of known phrases is curated to use Regular Expressions for dynamic group matching, where other similar utilities don't. This means a single phrase can encompass multiple gender and/or possension alternatives.
Example phrases that use RegExp groups:
all (\\w+) eggs in one basket
- all YOUR eggs, or
- all HIS eggs .... or
- all THEIR eggs ...
burst (your|my) bubble
- matches either your bubble or my bubble
ace up (his|her) sleeve
- matches either his or her sleeve
General purpose word groups:
If you find a missing phrase, and want to contribute to the glossary, here are some commonly used regular expressions, for your convienience.
- replace gender specific nouns with
- restricted to specific genders - replace posession with
- restricted to specific ownership - catch a broader subject with
unrestricted, matches any word object
To add or edit this list please clone the repo and submit a pull-request.
Methods and properties
keys - Array - a list of first word keys
phrases - Array - a list of all the known phrases
test - Function - analyze the input String and return an Array of matched phrases
clean - Function - strips non-alpha characters and returns String
Example uses:
- Twitter cliché re-tweeter - coming soon
- Eleventy Cliché Counter plugin - coming soon
- Cliché catcher on Codepen
- RunKit - Node with REST endpoint