-- This is a Command Line Interface Math Calculator which can perform five operation +,-,*,/ and **(exponent)
-- This is a Command Line Interface Math Calculator which can perform five operation +,-,*,/ and **(exponent)
-- Create tsconfig.json by using command tsc --init
Edit ts config file for es modeuls(target, module, moduleResolution)
Generate package.json file with
npm init --yes
Write your calculator code with inquirer
How to publish your package on the NPM (Node Package Manager) Go to Create a login on the website
Before You Publish your package.json "main":"index.js" "bin":"./index.js"
Add the following line of code in the index.ts #!/usr/bin/env node
Now compiple the project From the Terminal window login on the npm login website
update your package name from package.json
Test your script locally,
npx calc
Run the command
npm login
to login on npmjxIt will redirect you to the browser for authentication
publish the script using
npm publish --access public
run command based on your package name in my case it is
npx cli-math-calc
- When you update your package make sure to change it's version from the package.json file