Jira cli tool with some features I like to lunch from a terminal
The aim of this tool is performing some actions which are common to my daily work with Jira in a smother way, it's not my purpose to handle Jira form this tool neither to have actions I don't use in my developing workflow -there're better tools for that, for example ankitpokhrel/jira-cli-
I've created this tool mostly to speed up the Jira's workflow when I have the Scrum master rol, the scrum master needs to assignee created actions to developer or split tickets into Developing and Validation subtasks so the team can estimate both actions; I've check I'm more productive working from the terminal rather than performing those actions through Jira.
Even though, Jira is a powerful tool which I still learning to manage and 100% of the actions you can perform from this tool can be done through Jira.
⚠️ This tool saves your Jira password in plain text also when the configuration is printed, the password is visible
cli-jira config set credentials <user> <password>
cli-jira config set url <address>
cli-jira config print
cli-jira issue set sprint <board> <issue>
cli-jira issue set estimation --original=<original_estimation> [--remaining=<remaining_estimation>] <issue>
cli-jira issue set assignee <developer> <issue>
cli-jira issue set ready <project> [<component>] <issue>
cli-jira issue add subtask <project> <subtask> [<component>] <issue>
cli-jira -h | --help
cli-jira -v | --version
To install the tool execute the next command
npm i -g cli-jira
And check the version of the tool
cli-jira -v
In order to list all the actions you can execute with this tool, execute the next command in your terminal
And a list with all the actions shows up
- issue: It's the issue's identifier
- developer: User's Jira name
- estimation: Issue's estimation, it can be added in any Jira supported format
- user: Your Jira user name -you can see it at Jira's profile-
- password: Your password Jira access
- developer: Developer's name (it's the email without the email prefix)
- --original: Jira ticket original estimation
- --remaining: Jira ticket remaining estimation
- issue: Jira ticket id
- project: Jira project id
- substask: Jira summary text
- component: Jira type id (story, sub-task, etc) by default is sub-task
- board: Jira board ID (it's
url param)