Helper CLI tool that will convert a local CSV file to a series of REST POST creation calls.
Node CLI tool to import a CSV into ClearPass via the RESTful API.
Currently supports Guests and Devices. Reference the built in documentation for help.
sudo npm install -g clearpass-csv2api
$ clearpass-csv2api help
Usage: clearpass-csv2api [options] [command]
-V, --version output the version number
-v, --verbose Output extra debugging (default: false)
--importing <importing> What is being imported. Current accepted values: device, guest (default: "device")
-h, --help Display help for command
import [options] <csv_file> Import a CSV of items into ClearPass
testcsv [options] <csv_file> Confirm the csv seems valid.
ping [options] Test connectivity, authentication and privileges
generate [options] <count> Generate a random CSV
help [command] display help for command
Example calls:
Confirm credentials and permissions:
$ clearpass-csv2api ping --host= --client_id=Client1 --client_secret=asdfadsf
Test the CSV:
$ clearpass-csv2api testcsv devices.csv
$ clearpass-csv2api --importing=guest testcsv guest.csv
Initiate the import:
$ clearpass-csv2api --verbose import --host --client_id=Client1 --client_secret=asdfadsf devices.csv
$ clearpass-csv2api --verbose import --host --client_id=Client1 --client_secret=asdfadsf --strategy=update-or-create devices-sync.csv
$ clearpass-csv2api --verbose --importing=guest import --host --client_id=Client1 --client_secret=asdfadsf guests.csv
$ clearpass-csv2api --verbose import --host --client_id=Client1 --client_secret=asdfadsf --exclude=id,region -x "notes=Import from ACME" -x "visitor_company=IoT Corp" devices.csv
Generate test data:
$ clearpass-csv2api generate 100 > devices-100.csv
$ clearpass-csv2api generate 100 -x role_id=1 -x "notes=Import from ACME" > devices-ACME-Contractors.csv
$ clearpass-csv2api --importing=guest generate 100 > guests-100.csv
$ clearpass-csv2api help import
Usage: clearpass-csv2api import [options] <csv_file>
Import a CSV of items into ClearPass
--host <host> The IP address/hostname of ClearPass. (default: "")
--insecure Disable SSL validation (default: false)
--client_id <client_id> API Client ID (default: "Client1")
--client_secret <client_secret> API Client Secret (default: "")
-x --extra <extra> An extra key=value pair. Multiple supported. (default: {})
--exclude <list of columns to exclude> Excluded list (default: [])
--sessions <sessions> Max simultaneous sessions (default: 1)
--strategy <strategy> Strategy to use when making API calls
create-only Create new items only. Existing will be ignored.
create-or-replace Create new items or replace existing entries with the CSV.
create-or-update Create new items or update existing entries with data in the CSV.
update-only Update existing items only. Entries without a match will be skipped.
update-or-create Update existing items. If the entry does not exist it will be created.
replace-only Replace existing items only. Entries without a match will be skipped.
replace-or-create Replace existing items. If the entry does not exist it will be created.
(default: "create-only")
--change-of-authorization Send RADIUS CoA requests (default: false)
--dry-run Dry run, do not send any API (default: false)
-h, --help Display help for command
$ clearpass-csv2api help testcsv
Usage: clearpass-csv2api testcsv [options] <csv_file>
Confirm the csv seems valid.
-x --extra <extra> An extra key=value pair. Multiple supported. (default: {})
--exclude <list of columns to exclude> Excluded list (default: [])
-h, --help Display help for command
$ clearpass-csv2api help ping
Usage: clearpass-csv2api ping [options]
Test connectivity, authentication and privileges
--host <host> The IP address/hostname of ClearPass. (default: "")
--insecure Disable SSL validation (default: false)
--client_id <client_id> API Client ID (default: "Client1")
--client_secret <client_secret> API Client Secret (default: "")
--insecure Disable SSL validation (default: false)
-h, --help Display help for command
API Clients are created in Guest » Administration » API Services » API Clients.
You need the following set:
* Operating Mode: ClearPass REST API
* Operator Profile: A profile with sufficient privileges
* Grant Type: Client Credentials
The Client ID and Client Secret are passed as arguments. Ensure you protect the secret.
* ALL : API Services > Allow API Access
* Devices : Devices > Create New Device and Guest Manager > Full User Control
* Guests : Guest Manager > Create New Guest Account and Guest Manager > Full User Control
$ clearpass-csv2api help generate
Usage: clearpass-csv2api generate [options] <count>
Generate a random CSV
-x --extra <extra> An extra key=value pair. Multiple supported. (default: {})
-h, --help Display help for command