Vue composition api hooks for `classy-vuex` modules.
Classy Vuex Hooks
Vue composition api hooks for classy-vuex
Currently compatible
Consult the classy-vuex
README for documentation on writing modules.
This adds two functions to use as hooks for the new vue composition api: useModule
and useMappedModule
, which both work similar to classy-vuex
's getModule
function, but for hooks.
This function takes a module constructor and optionally a namespace (or ref to a namespace) and returns a ref to the module instance. If a ref is used for the namespace, the module can update when the namespace ref udpates.
This function can be used like the mapComputed
and mapMethods
functions of classy-vuex
. Pass a module constructor and optionally a namespace, and the result can be mapped to the setup
return object, allowing all of the modules states, getters, mutations and actions to be passed to setup for a component.
Dynamic Modules
Both hooks can be used to dynamically register a module on demand. By supplying a factory function as a third argument, the module will be created if it does not already exist at the given namespace. Passing the factory as an options object along with a dispose configuration ({ delay?: number }
), will cause usage of the module to be tracked, and when all components using the module (through the hook functions) have been unmounted, the module will be unregistered.