Node.js interface to Unihan database of CJK characters
Simple interface to Unihan database for Node.js. Created for use on HanziPal & available on NPM
This library comes with:
- The simple to use node.js module for query Unihan data
- An SQLite3 database populated with data from the Unihan database
- Perl/bash scripts to generate said database, should you wish to update it, etc
var cjk_unihan = require("cjk-unihan");
// Query a single field for a specified character
cjk_unihan.get("我", "kTotalStrokes", function(err, result){
console.log("Single field lookup all done:", result);
// Single field lookup all done: 7
// Get all available information about a character
cjk_unihan.get("我", function(err, result){
console.log("Full lookup all done:", result);
// Full lookup all done: { character: '我',
// SUnicode: '62.3',
// kIRGKangXi: '0412.010',
// ...
// ...
// }
Generating a fresh SQLite3 database
cd parser
# parser/data should contain a file which contains all the concatenated files downloaded from http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/
# This file should be sorted by the first column, otherwise shit will break.
perl parse.pl < data/Unihan.sorted.txt > unihan.parsed
# Then we run the shell script to recreate the database file
After this we should be set to go. Ideally I will wrap this all up in some simple package that will download the latest copy from the web and automate all this fiddling around
- Tidy up database generation scripts
- Automate download, concatenation, sorting of downloaded unihan txt files
- Tests would be nice. Real ones and such
- Tidy up the format of some data stored (Should currently be a 1:1 dump of the Unihan data)
- ie, kHanyuPinyin should probably return an array of monosyllabic pronunciations, the rest of this field can be ignored when inserting to database
- etc etc
Danger, Will Robinson!
It's very early days here. I'm sure there was another module that I used to use for this purpose, but I can't find it for the life of me so here this is. I expect the API calls to remain much the same as I work on this - it's a simple wrapper around a database to 'get' certain information, and doesn't need to do anything more.
The data returned however will be tidied up, change, prodded, poked, tweaked and modified until I am happier with it. If this happens I will increment version numbers accordingly, but I thought I'd add the Buyer Beware sticker before putting this out in the world.