A framework for building web apps with React
Citong React Web
A framework for building web apps with React Native compatible API.
在 [email protected] 的基础上编写.
部署等相关内容查阅 [email protected] README
Adding web to an existing React Native project
If you already have a React Native project and want to add web support, you need to execute the following commands in your existing project directory:
- Install
npm install citong-react-web-cli -g
- Execute
citong-react-web init <ExistedProjectDir>
. That installcitong-react-web
to your project and make aweb
directory withwebpack.config.js
file under your project - Register your app into a web platform. To do so, add the code from Fix platform differences. 2. Should run application on web platform to your index.web.js file
- Execute
citong-react-web start
that starts the web dev server - Execute
citong-react-web bundle
that builds the output
Getting Started
npm install citong-react-web --save
Add Webpack configuration
Inside your webpack configuration, alias the react-native
package to the react-web
package, then install and add haste-resolver-webpack-plugin plugin.
// webpack.config.js
var HasteResolverPlugin = require('haste-resolver-webpack-plugin');
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
'react-native': 'citong-react-web'
plugins: [
new HasteResolverPlugin({
platform: 'web',
nodeModules: ['citong-react-web']
See more detail of the
from React Native Web Example
What does HasteResolverPlugin do?
When using components of react-web
, just require('ReactActivityIndicator')
, and Webpack will build a bundle with ActivityIndicator.web.js
for web platform.
will do the following for you:
- Walk over all components and check out the
info. - When webpack build bundle, it makes your components recognised rather than throwing an error.
- It will help webpack build bundle with correct file depending on the tar* platform.
You can find something like @providesModule ReactActivityIndicator
on react-web
component's comment, yes, it's for HasteResolverPlugin
Require modules
The CommonJS way
var React = require('react-native');
var {
} = React;
This reference method looks like we're in the way of using the native react-native way:
Like the require module in Node.js, and through Destructuring assignment, allows some components to be referenced in the scope of the current file.
But in fact it is quite different in React Web.
When require('react-native')
, in the construction of the webpack will be renamed, equivalent to require('react-web')
At the same time, this form of writing will put all the components into at one time, including ReactAppRegistry
and so on, even some components the you did not use.
The Haste way
var AppRegistry = require('ReactAppRegistry');
var View = require('ReactView');
var Text = require('ReactText');
var Platform = require('ReactPlatform');
In this way, we load our components on demand, such as ReactAppRegistry
or ReactView
and so on.
Packaged components so that we no longer need to care about the differences between the platform.
As mentioned above, the HasteResolverPlugin plugin will help webpack to compile and package the code.
Fix platform differences
- Native events without direct pageX/pageY on web platform
if (Platform.OS == 'web') {
var touch = event.nativeEvent.changedTouches[0];
pageX = touch.pageX;
pageY = touch.pageY;
} else {
startX = event.nativeEvent.pageX;
startY = event.nativeEvent.pageY;
- Should run application on web platform
AppRegistry.registerComponent('Game2048', () => Game2048);
if(Platform.OS == 'web'){
var app = document.createElement('div');
AppRegistry.runApplication('Game2048', {
rootTag: app
- Should care about fetch domain on web platform
import {
} from 'react-native'
Jsonp 只支持jsonp格式: callback({json}), 且只能是get方式. Fetch 使用XMLHttpRequest, 需处理跨域问题.
- Without some APIs like
on web platform
var LayoutAnimation = require('ReactLayoutAnimation')
if(Platform.OS !== 'web'){
- Should manually specify the height of ScrollView
<ScrollView style={{height: 235}} horizontal={true} />
React Native compatible
- ActivityIndicatorIOS - ReactActivityIndicator
- ActivityIndicator - ReactActivityIndicator
- DatePickerIOS - ReactDatePicker TODO
- DrawerLayoutAndroid - ReactDrawerLayout
- Image - ReactImage
- ListView - ReactListView
- Modal - ReactModal
- Navigator - ReactNavigator
- PickerIOS ReactPicker
- ProgressViewIOS - ReactProgressView
- ScrollView - ReactScrollView
- SegmentedControlIOS - ReactSegmentedControl
- SliderIOS - ReactSlider
- Switch - ReactSwitch
- SwitchAndroid - ReactSwitch
- SwitchIOS - ReactSwitch
- RefreshControl - ReactRefreshControl
- TabBarIOS - ReactTabBar
- Text - ReactText
- TextInput - ReactTextInput
- ToastAndroid - ReactToast
- Touchable - ReactTouchable
- TouchableHighlight - ReactTouchableHighlight
- TouchableOpacity - ReactTouchableOpacity
- TouchableWithoutFeedback - ReactTouchableWithoutFeedback
- View - ReactView
- ViewPagerAndroid - ReactViewPager
- Alert - ReactAlert
- AlertIOS - ReactAlert
- Animated - ReactAnimated
- AppRegistry - ReactAppRegistry
- AsyncStorage - ReactAsyncStorage
- Dimensions - ReactDimensions
- Easing - ReactEasing
- InteractionManager - ReactInteractionManager
- LayoutAnimation - ReactLayoutAnimation
- PanResponder - ReactPanResponder
- PixelRatio - ReactPixelRatio
- StyleSheet - ReactStyleSheet
- NativeModules - ReactNativeModules
- Platform - ReactPlatform
- processColor - ReactProcessColor
- Linting - npm run lint - Must run it before commit.
- Testing - npm test - Run unit testing by jest.
- Developing - npm start - This will run a server at localhost:3000 and use Hot Module Reloading.
- Demo deployment - npm run demo - Generate demo assets under pages directory.
React Web is BSD licensed.
New Components features
- ActivityIndicator
- ViewPagerAndroid
- add method: setPageWithoutAnimation
- WebView
- 对于跨站访问需对应服务器添加 meta http-equiv="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" content="*"; 或者添加至headers中
- goBack/等函数无效.
- Picker
- 增加一个isRenderSelect:bool属性, 表明是否按照web select方式渲染.
- Fetch
- 增加timeout选项.
- Navigator
- 增加 pushRouteToFront(route, cb) 方法, 允许添加一个route到顶层, 且不刷新页面, 添加完成后调用cb()
- 为导航方法如pop,push等添加一个cb参数, 当导航完成时调用.
- ScrollView
- 增加scrollTo动画.
New APIs features
- Platform
- add method: select
- window.requestAnimationFrame
- window.cancelAnimationFrame