Check types at runtime
Check types at runtime
- Small: 1/4 of superstruct, 1/15 of zod
- Support recursive type declarations
- Descriptive error messages
- Full TypeScript support
- JIT compilation for fast validation checks
- Only loose assertions: does not warn on extra keys
import {assert, is, object, number, string, array} from 'cito'
type Post = typeof Post.infer
const Post = object({
id: number,
title: string,
link: string.optional,
author: object({id: number}),
tags: array(string)
const data = {
id: 42,
title: 'Hello world',
author: {id: 42},
tags: ['hello']
// Throws if data is invalid, data is type as Post
assert(data, Post)
// data is typed as Post in the block, does not throw
if (is(data, Post)) {
// use data
// Assert and name the input data
const post = Post(data)
Defining objects using a class
Object types can be declared using a class, which has the following advantages over plain objects:
Optional properties
It is possible to mark properties as optional which will be reflected in the inferred type:
import {object, string} from 'cito' const WithOptional = object( class { required = string present = string.optional optional? = string.optional } ) type WithOptional = typeof WithOptional.infer // ^? {required: string, present: string | undefined, optional?: string | undefined}
Recursive types
Declare recursive types with full type inference without having to resort to manual type definition.
Note: recursive types cannot be JIT compiled
import {any, object} from 'cito' type Node = typeof Node.infer const Node = object( class Node { next = object(Node) prev = object(Node) data = any } ) type List = typeof List.infer const List = object({ head: Node.optional })
Cito exports the following public members.
const string: Type<string>
const number: Type<number>
const bigint: Type<bigint>
const boolean: Type<boolean>
const symbol: Type<symbol>
const date: Type<Date>
const any: Type<any>
const func: Type<Function>
function literal<T>(value: T): Type<T>
function nullable<T>(inner: Type<T>): Type<T | null>
function optional<T>(inner: Type<T>): Type<T | undefined>
function instance<T>(constructor: new (...args: any[]) => T): Type<T>
function tuple<T>(...types: T): Type<Tuple<T>>
function record<T>(inner: Type<T>): Type<Record<string, T>>
function object<T>(definition: T): Type<Object<T>>
function union<T>(...types: T): Type<Union<T>>
function array<T>(inner: Type<T>): Type<Array<T>>
function enums<T>(types: Record<string, T>): Type<T>
function lazy<T>(fn: () => Type<T>): Type<T>
function assert<T>(value: unknown, type: Type<T>): asserts value is T
function is<T>(value: unknown, type: Type<T>): value is T
function compile<T>(type: T): {check: (value) => value is T}
type Infer<T> = T extends Type<infer U> ? U : ...
A Type has the following api:
interface Validator<T> {
(value: any): value is T
interface Type<T> {
// This special property allows you to infer the type `T`
infer: T
// Call the instance to type check a value and return it if valid
(value: any): T
// A type that includes `T` and `null`
nullable: Type<T | null>
// A type that includes `T` and `undefined`
optional: Type<T | undefined>
// Returns a new type that narrows `T` to a subtype `E`
narrow<E extends T>(): Type<E>
// Create a new instance of type `T`, does not type check at runtime
new (value: any): T
// Returns a boolean indicating whether input is of type `T`
is(input: any): input is T
// Returns a new type which validates both `T` and `E`
and<E>(validate: Validator<E>): Type<T & E>
// Returns a new type which validates either `T` or `E`
or<E>(validate: Validator<E>): Type<T | E>
Custom types can be created using the type function:
import {type} from 'cito'
const regex = type((value): value is RegExp => value instanceof RegExp)
regex('this will throw')
Making the comparison with superstruct and zod:
The benchmark code is adapted from typed, which is MIT License Copyright (c) 2022 CodBot
benchmark time (avg) (min … max) p75 p99 p995
--------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------
zod 68.25 µs/iter (59.4 µs … 1.19 ms) 66.5 µs 173.3 µs 203.6 µs
superstruct 252.25 µs/iter (217.9 µs … 779.4 µs) 239.4 µs 513.5 µs 548.3 µs
cito 21.1 µs/iter (19.4 µs … 283.9 µs) 20.2 µs 33.8 µs 44.3 µs
summary for validate
3.23x faster than zod
11.96x faster than superstruct
cito jit 381.57 ns/iter (349.56 ns … 723.29 ns) 378.48 ns 720.73 ns 723.29 ns
typebox jit 767.31 ns/iter (726.39 ns … 1.11 µs) 768.16 ns 1.11 µs 1.11 µs
summary for validate jit
cito jit
2.01x faster than typebox jit
The data used in the benchmarks is from SpaceX's GraphQL API.