This is a framework for FiveM/RedM that is intended to be very universal. Currently a work in progress, but expect a release candidate soon!
[WIP] Citadel FiveM/RedM Framework
This is a framework for FiveM/RedM that is intended to be very universal. Currently a work in progress, but expect a release candidate soon!
- webpack-cli
- Knowledge of working with Typescript
- fivem-js May be removed as a dependency later
Working example can be found in the
Project Structure
| main/
| client /
| // Call this client-entry
| index.ts
| server /
| index.ts
| modules/
| // Call this client-module-entry
| index.ts
| example-module/
| client/
| // Call this client-module
| index.ts
| server/
| index.ts
class App {
$onReady() {
console.log(`The client app is ready!`)
// We bootstrap here because of the way webpack loads things.
const allowJobs = ( string[]) => {
return function() {
for(const job of jobs) {
return false
// The name of the module for referencing elsewhere
name: "other-module",
// Inject other modules here. This will put the one and only instance
// in the module
deps: [
key: 'exampleModule',
dep: ExampleModule
class Othermodule {
// Declaration of dependent module for intellisense reasons
constructor(public exampleModule: ExampleModule) { }
$onInit() {
console.log("Module init functionality. App is not ready yet")
* restrictors: all functions must pass for command to be allowed
* @Arg(argname, options) - validator takes a function which the first parameter is the value of the arg. must pass
* argument type validation based on type annotation. i.e. hello: string must be a string. (string, number, boolean)
* default: default value for the function
@Command("example", {
restrictors: [allowJobs("police")]
exampleCommand(source: number, @Arg("hello", {
validator: (v: string) => v !== "hello",
default: "cheese"
}) hello: string, rest: any[]) {
console.log(`You rand the example command, specified arg was ${hello}, rest of the args ${rest}`)
exampleTick() {
console.log(`This will run every frame! Woo!`)
* More on @MapSource soon. Essentiall does `ESX.GetPlayerFromId(id) and makes it available in the arg
* */
exampleEvent(@MapSource("module", "function")) {
console.log(`Client Received an example event!`)
$onReady() {
console.log("On ready lifecycle hook")
name: 'other-module'
export class SvOtherModule {
async someCallback(@MapSource("", "") player: PlayerClass) {
return "called back some data to client"
someExportedFunction() {
console.log(`running exported function`)
- [x] Callback system
- ~~[ ] NUI event wrapper~~ No longer doing this due to the nature of the framework
- [ ] Base system modules (player, character, clothes, vehicles etc)
- [x] Implement ORM? (will be available in actual framework. typeorm works!)