Generates a dynamic background based on the colors of a video
Features 🤘
- 🌟 Modern bundle.
- 🔩 Ultra tiny (~1kb compressed)
- 👌 Minimalistic and straight-forward API.
- ⚡ Performant - uses only native browser features to achieve the affect!
- 0️⃣ Zero dependencies.
- 🌅 Video-to-video transitions.
Install it using your preferred package manager (taking npm as example):
npm install cinematic-effect
Your HTML:
<div id="container">
<canvas id="background"></canvas>
<video id="video" src="..."></video>
Your TypeScript (check out options and the effect api):
import { createCinematicEffect } from 'cinematic-effect';
const effect = createCinematicEffect({
target: '#background', // Canvas to project effect onto
src: '#video' // Source video element or selector
Your CSS:
This library is mainly taking care of creating a smooth effect and syncing the frames, the final effect is applied by you using css properties!
#container {
display: flex;
position: relative;
#background {
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
opacity: 0.75;
transform: scale(1.05);
filter: blur(45px);
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Check out the demo for a full-fledged demo!
The following options are available when creating a new instance:
import { createCinematicEffect } from 'cinematic-effect';
const effect = createCinematicEffect({
// Target element the effect is rendered to.
// Can be a selector or the element itself.
target: '#background',
// Video source, can be a selector or the video element itself.
src: '#video',
// Transition speed, default is 0.01, realtime is 1.
sensitivity: 0.01
Each cinematic effect comes with the following API. It is highly recommended to use the API when changing the video instead of destroying / re-instantiating an effect, this way you will get a video-to-video transition and it's more performant.
interface CinematicEffect {
// Destroy instance.
destroy(): void;
// Change source, target or sensitivity.
setSource(video: string | HTMLVideoElement): void;
setTarget(target: string | HTMLCanvasElement): void;
setSensitivity(sensitivity: number): void;
// Get current source and target elements.
get source(): HTMLVideoElement;
get target(): HTMLCanvasElement;