a color conversion lib for converting colors from cie 1931 to rgb and vice versa. Meant to be used with the philips hue Api.
JavaScript CIE-1931-rgb-color-converter
A simple JS lib for converting rgb to cie1931 (Which Philips HUE Color lights use) and vice versa.
- NO dependency
- Automatically adjusts Colors based on light capability
- Color correction supports a range of Philips Hue lights
- ECMAScript 6
- Easy to use
This lib was made with the help of the Philips Hue Docs.
Note: Color accuracy can differ depening on light capabilites.
Download the script here and include it (unless you are packaging scripts somehow else)
<script type="module" src="path/to/ColorConverter.js"></script>
And then import it inside your js
Import ColorConverter from "path/to"
Do not include the script directly from GitHub ( The file is being served as text/plain and as such being blocked in Internet Explorer on Windows 7 for instance (because of the wrong MIME type). Bottom line: GitHub is not a CDN.
npm install cie-rgb-color-converter
Convert RGB to XY for Philips Hue lights
let xy = ColorConverter.rgbToXy(red, green, blue, light.modelid);
// xy = {x: xValue, y: yValue};
Convert RGB to XY for non Philips lights
let xy = ColorConverter.rgbToXy(red, green, blue);
// xy = {x: xValue, y: yValue};
Note: Colors may be off due to gamut capabilities of the Light. This setting uses a default gamut range provided by Philips Hue Docs. This may exceed the lights capabilities, resulting in wrong colors depending on lights behaviour.
Convert XY + bightness to RGB
let rgb = ColorConverter.xyBriToRgb(x ,y , brightness);
// rgb = {r: redValue, g: greenValue, b: blueValue}