Convert between CIE color spaces
CIE Color Converter
This project is motivated by Bruce Lindbloom, and consists of a CIE color model converter. E.g., it will allow you to convert between XYZ, xyY, RGB, Luv, etc. color models.
Version 3 Update
Version 3 of this library moves from a class/instance-based approach to a function-based approach. Now, each conversion method is a standalone function that can be called individually.
Install the package via
npm i cie-colorconverter
# Or Yarn
yarn add cie-colorconverter
Then import any one of the color converter functions and start converting!
import { RGBToXYZ } from 'cie-colorconverter'
const [X, Y, Z] = RGBToXYZ([50, 100, 150], { refWhite: 'D50' });
This will convert the RGB triple [50, 100, 150]
to an XYZ triple.
See Converter Functions section for a list of all available functions.
Converter Options
There are a few independent variables/parameters when it comes to color model conversions, including:
- Reference White model
- RGB Model
- Gamma value
- Adaptation model
See, for example, for more information on these values.
The various converter methods will accept the appropriate options as a second argument. For example, when converting from RGB to XYZ, you can set the RGB model:
const [X, Y, Z] = RGBToXYZ([50, 100, 150], { rgbModel: 'sRGB' });
The various options are listed here:
. Possible values:"A" | "B" | "C" | "D50" | "D55" | "D65" | "D75" | "E" | "F2" | "F7" | "F11"
is the default value.rgbModel
. Possible values:"Adobe RGB (1998)" | "AppleRGB" | "Best RGB" | "Beta RGB" | "Bruce RGB" | "CIE RGB" | "ColorMatch RGB" | "Don RGB 4" | "ECI RGB v2" | "Ekta Space PS5" | "NTSC RGB" | "PAL/SECAM RGB" | "ProPhoto RGB" | "SMPTE-C RGB" | "sRGB" | "Wide Gamut RGB"
is the default.gammaModel
. Possible values:"1.0" | "1.8" | "2.2" | "sRGB" | "L*"
is the default.adaptation
. Possible values:"Bradford" | "von Kries" | "XYZ Scaling" | "None"
is the default.
A full example, passing all of these converter options, looks like the following:
import { RGBToXYZ } from 'cie-colorconveter';
const [X, Y, Z] = RGBToXYZ([50, 100, 150],{
rgbModel: 'sRGB',
refWhite: 'D75',
gammaModel: '2.2',
adaptation: 'von Kries'
Converter Functions
There are 42 total converter functions available in this library. Each of these functions takes a NumericTriple
(which is just [number, number, number]
) as its first argument, and returns a NumericTriple
. Some of the functions take an optional second argument with converter options.
The available functions, and their types, are shown here:
declare type NumericTriple = readonly [number, number, number];
declare type RefWhiteType = "A" | "B" | "C" | "D50" | "D55" | "D65" | "D75" | "E" | "F2" | "F7" | "F11";
declare type RGBModelType = "Adobe RGB (1998)" | "AppleRGB" | "Best RGB" | "Beta RGB" | "Bruce RGB" | "CIE RGB" | "ColorMatch RGB" | "Don RGB 4" | "ECI RGB v2" | "Ekta Space PS5" | "NTSC RGB" | "PAL/SECAM RGB" | "ProPhoto RGB" | "SMPTE-C RGB" | "sRGB" | "Wide Gamut RGB";
declare type GammaModelType = "1.0" | "1.8" | "2.2" | "sRGB" | "L*";
declare type AdaptationType = "Bradford" | "von Kries" | "XYZ Scaling" | "None";
declare type Options = {
refWhite?: RefWhiteType;
rgbModel?: RGBModelType;
gammaModel?: GammaModelType;
adaptation?: AdaptationType;
declare const LabToLCHab: (Lab: NumericTriple) => NumericTriple;
declare const LabToRGB: (Lab: NumericTriple, { adaptation, refWhite, rgbModel, gammaModel, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const LabToXYZ: (Lab: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LabToxyY: (Lab: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LabToLuv: (Lab: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LabToLCHuv: (Lab: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHabToLab: (LCH: NumericTriple) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHabToXYZ: (LCH: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHabToxyY: (LCH: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHabToLuv: (LCH: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHabToLCHuv: (LCH: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHabToRGB: (LCH: NumericTriple, { adaptation, refWhite, rgbModel, gammaModel, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHuvToLuv: (LCH: NumericTriple) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHuvToXYZ: (LCH: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHuvToxyY: (LCH: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHuvToLab: (LCH: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHuvToLCHab: (LCH: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LCHuvToRGB: (LCH: NumericTriple, { adaptation, refWhite, rgbModel, gammaModel, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const LuvToLCHuv: (Luv: NumericTriple) => NumericTriple;
declare const LuvToXYZ: (Luv: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LuvToxyY: (Luv: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LuvToLab: (Luv: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LuvToLCHab: (Luv: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const LuvToRGB: (Luv: NumericTriple, { adaptation, refWhite, rgbModel, gammaModel, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const RGBToXYZ: (RGB: NumericTriple, { adaptation, rgbModel, gammaModel, refWhite, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const RGBToLab: (RGB: NumericTriple, { adaptation, rgbModel, gammaModel, refWhite, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const RGBToxyY: (RGB: NumericTriple, { adaptation, rgbModel, gammaModel, refWhite, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const RGBToLCHab: (RGB: NumericTriple, { adaptation, rgbModel, gammaModel, refWhite, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const RGBToLuv: (RGB: NumericTriple, { adaptation, rgbModel, gammaModel, refWhite, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const RGBToLCHuv: (RGB: NumericTriple, { adaptation, rgbModel, gammaModel, refWhite, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const xyYToXYZ: (xyY: NumericTriple) => NumericTriple;
declare const xyYToLab: (xyY: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const xyYToLCHab: (xyY: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const xyYToLuv: (xyY: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const xyYToLCHuv: (xyY: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const xyYToRGB: (xyY: NumericTriple, { adaptation, refWhite, rgbModel, gammaModel, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const XYZToLab: (XYZ: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const XYZToLuv: (XYZ: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const XYZToRGB: (XYZ: NumericTriple, { adaptation, refWhite, rgbModel, gammaModel, }?: Options) => NumericTriple;
declare const XYZToxyY: (XYZ: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const XYZToLCHab: (XYZ: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;
declare const XYZToLCHuv: (XYZ: NumericTriple, { refWhite }?: Pick<Options, "refWhite">) => NumericTriple;