The Chronocraft Calendar is a vue3 javascript flexible calendar library with vertical infinite scroling created for Vue3. It provides smooth infinite scrolling with drag and mouse wheel navigation
Chronocraft Calendar for VueJS 3.0 Component
The Chronocraft Calendar is a Vue 3 flexible infinite scrolling calendar component created for Vue3. It includes an events functionality and a smooth infinite scrolling feel with drag and mouse wheel navigation
- Infinite Calendar
- Events Functionality
- Different type of events
- Add or Remove events
- Typescript support
- Smooth scrolling
Usage of Calendar
Using the Library as a Plugin
import { ChronoCraftCalendar } from 'chronocraft-calendar-vue';
Using seperate components of the library inside you project
When you want to import a specific component from the library into a dedicated place inside your code
import { Calendar } from 'chronocraft-calendar-vue';
Example of Component
<Calendar @on-scroll="OnScroll" @on-delete-event="RemoveEvent" :events="events" :eventtypes="eventtypes" :weekendcolored="true" class="calendar" :cellheight="180" :cellsquared="false" :height="400"></Calendar>
Example using Slots
<Calendar @on-scroll="OnScroll" @on-delete-event="RemoveEvent" :events="events" :eventtypes="eventtypes" :weekendcolored="true" class="calendar" :cellheight="180" :cellsquared="false" :height="400">
<template v-slot:header="slotProps">
<span>{{ slotProps.headerlabel }}</span>
<template v-slot:headercell="slotProps">
<span>{{ slotProps.daylabel }}</span>
Component properties
| Name | Type | Description | |---|---|---| | data | Array | The actual data passed into the scroller. These data are reactive by using ref() | | height | Number | Defines the height of the calendar | | gap | Number | Defines the gap between the calendar cells / days | | wheelscrollspeed | Number | Defines the mouse wheel scroll speed | | cellheight | Number | Defines the base of the cellheight on the horizontal scroller | | hasscrollbar | Boolean | Defines if the scroller should have a scroll bar | | @on-scroll | Event Function | Event fired when the user has scrolled | | @on-delete-event | Event Function | Event fired when the user has reached at the end of the scroller and new data might be required to load |
Component slots
| Name | hasprops | Description | |---|---|---| | header | yes | Overrides the calendar's header | headercell | yes | Overrides the calendar's header cells which now show the day names | cell | yes | Overrides the calendar's cells which show the days