This is a simple JavaScript code example for generating a Christmas animation on a web page. The animation includes a Christmas tree and a moving gift.
Christmas Animation This is a simple JavaScript code example for generating a Christmas animation on a web page. The animation includes a Christmas tree and a moving gift.
Description This animation is created using HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript. It features a Christmas tree with a green triangle shape and brown trunks. Additionally, there is a red and yellow gift that moves in a circular motion around the Christmas tree.
Features Draws a Christmas tree with green triangles and brown trunks. Displays a moving gift around the Christmas tree. Uses requestAnimationFrame() for smooth animation. Usage Simply include the index.js file in your HTML file using a tag. Ensure you also have a canvas element with the ID christmasCanvas where the animation will be displayed.
Demo A live demo of this Christmas animation can be found here.
Installation No installation is required. Just include the provided JavaScript file in your HTML document.
Contribution Contributions are welcome! If you want to contribute to this project, feel free to fork this repository and submit a pull request.