Command Line tool to handle separate Markdown files with special markup notations and export as a complete document.
Command Line tool to handle separate Markdown files with special markup notations and export as a complete document.
It is aimed at helping writing fiction, but could be used for managing any complicated long document.
Table of Contents
Key features
- Wrapping Git basic functions for versionning and remote repository backup
- Wrapping Pandoc basic functions for building assembled files in Markdown (.md), Word (.docx), LaTex (.tex), PDF (.pdf), Html (.html) and ePub (.epub).
- Every "chapter" has three files:
- Main content, in Markdown (.chptr file)
- Summary content, in Markdown (.md file)
- Metadata, in either YAML or JSON5.
- Commands to
a new project and create a few required filesAdd
new chaptersDelete
output and recomputing some metadata- Help with
language checker workflow Save
to repository, in sentence-by-line style- Put chapters back to
mode, by removing paragraph markup and bringing back file in paragraphs Rename
chapters when many first-level titles are found in themTrack
other files in repository system, for notes-taking
- An extension is available for Antidote spell-checker workflow in Github and npm
That project was (and is still) a personal take on the fiction (and non-fiction) writing softwares. I like to separate content from format1, track all references and notes as I write2, have precise history of the files with source control3, and use the editing software of my choice4. Many other tools exist and have other philosophies, and they fit better for most people. They just don't work so well for me. This is a geeky tool, that I wanted to be simple (even if it is growing to be more than I first expected). It is aimed at me alone, but if you're another geek that thinks like me, enjoy, I hope you like it.
- Every file has LF (\n) line endings; CRLF (\r\n) are converted. You can still work on Windows but the original Notepad won't do.
- Every file is a UTF8 file without BOM. When sending a file to Antidote, files are converted to UTF8-BOM (because of limitations in that software) and have a .antidote extension added. When the Antidote work is done, that file is processed back to its original extension and the .antidote one is deleted.
- Sentences are marked by a sentence termination character and two spaces. In the output files, the parsers will take all those double-spaces and convert them to single-spaces. That helps Chptr to identify sentence endings and put them on separate lines before saving them to repository, helping track evolution of the text with Git tools on a sentence-by-sentence basis, instead of paragraph-by-paragraph basis.
- Metadata written inline has this structure:
{key: possibly long value}
. In the output, this metadata is either kept (and visually reorganized) or removed completely (for eventual outside review and publishing), depending on a--removemarkup
flag in thebuild
command. It is parsed and indexed in some metadata files. - Characters, places, hints (and possibly any other important things to track) have a special notation too, called props:
{Batman} is a superhero in Gotham City.
In this case, the word(s) between the brackets are kept in the output, either with ou without some outlining, depending on the--removemarkup
flag of thebuild
command again. They are indexed also in some metadata files to help finding them back easily. - Config folder has a few files that can be customized to fit many preferences:
- Project's title, language, file naming patterns, etc.
- What to put in an empty (new) chapter
- What manual fields to track on each chapter's metadata
[1]: Pandoc does that↩
[2]: The markup format that I use to extend Markdown does that↩
[3]: Git does that↩
[4]: VSCode is nice
To make it work, you'll need to have Git and Pandoc globally installed first (refer to those sites to download and install if needed). Also, Node (with it's companion NPM) are necessary to use as explained down here. There are ways to build a standalone executable from there but I won't publish those online, as I expect that if you want to use this tool, you probably already have Node and NPM installed. Instructions on how to build those executables is described here.
Roadmap, todos and warnings
This app doesn't have tests at this point, is not documented and will be liberately refactored as intensely as needed. It is not mature at all but I decided I wouldn't wait until it was to open-source it. Any and all breaking changes may appear between now and version 1.0.0.
In some future, I wish to do these things:
- Include all sorts of tests
- Document properly
- Improve the code structure, code reusability and general code cleanliness
$ npm install -g chptr
$ chptr COMMAND
running command...
$ chptr (-v|--version|version)
chptr/0.3.6 win32-x64 node-v12.18.3
$ chptr --help [COMMAND]
$ chptr COMMAND
chptr add [NUMBER] [NAME]
chptr build
chptr build:compact
chptr build:metadata
chptr build:output
chptr delete [NAME]
chptr edit [CHAPTERIDS]
chptr help [COMMAND]
chptr init [NAME]
chptr plugins
chptr plugins:install PLUGIN...
chptr plugins:link PLUGIN
chptr plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
chptr plugins:update
chptr track [FILENAME]
chptr add [NUMBER] [NAME]
Adds a file or set of files as a new chapter, locally and in repository
$ chptr add [NUMBER] [NAME]
NUMBER [default: end] force this number to be used, if available. AtNumbering will be determined by the presence or
absence of @ sign. Defaults to `end`.
NAME name of chapter to add
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-c, --compact Compact chapter numbers at the same time
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
See code: src\commands\add.ts
chptr build
Takes all original Markdown files and outputs a single file without metadata and comments. Handles these output formats: md, pdf, docx, html, epub, tex. Gives some insight into writing rate.
$ chptr build
-D, --outputToPreProd Keep paragraph numbers, but clean markup as if doing an output to Prod.
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-P, --outputToProd Remove paragraph numbers, clean markup in output and remove chapter titles.
When false, adds summaries in output.
-c, --compact Compact chapter numbers at the same time
-d, --datetimestamp adds datetime stamp before output filename
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --withFullIntermediaryOutput With full intermediary output as .md file
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
-s, --save Commit to git at the same time.
-t, --type=md|pdf|docx|html|epub|tex|all filetype to export to. Can be set multiple times.
-w, --showWritingRate=yes|no|overwrite [default: yes] Show word count per day. Overwrite option recalculates it
all from scratch.
$ chptr compile
See code: src\commands\build\index.ts
chptr build:compact
Only compacts numbers of files
$ chptr build:compact
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
-s, --save Commit to git at the same time.
See code: src\commands\build\compact.ts
chptr build:metadata
Updates only metadata files
$ chptr build:metadata
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-c, --compact Compact chapter numbers at the same time
-d, --datetimestamp adds datetime stamp before output filename
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
-s, --save Commit to git at the same time.
-w, --showWritingRate=yes|no|overwrite [default: yes] Show word count per day. Overwrite option recalculates it all
from scratch.
See code: src\commands\build\metadata.ts
chptr build:output
Takes all original Markdown files and outputs a single file without metadata and comments. Handles these output formats: md, pdf, docx, html, epub, tex. Gives some insight into writing rate.
$ chptr build:output
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-P, --outputToProd Remove paragraph numbers, clean markup in output and remove chapter titles.
When false, adds summaries in output.
-c, --compact Compact chapter numbers at the same time
-d, --datetimestamp adds datetime stamp before output filename
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --withFullIntermediaryOutput With full intermediary output as .md file
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
-s, --save Commit to git at the same time.
-t, --type=md|pdf|docx|html|epub|tex|all filetype to export to. Can be set multiple times.
-w, --showWritingRate=yes|no|overwrite [default: yes] Show word count per day. Overwrite option recalculates it
all from scratch.
$ chptr compile
See code: src\commands\build\output.ts
chptr delete [NAME]
Delete a chapter or tracked file locally and in the repository
$ chptr delete [NAME]
NAME chapter number or filename to delete
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-c, --compact Compact chapter numbers at the same time
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
-s, --save Commit to git at the same time.
$ chptr del
See code: src\commands\delete.ts
chptr edit [CHAPTERIDS]
Adjust sentence and paragraph endings to allow for easier editing. Commit changes with SAVE command.
$ chptr edit [CHAPTERIDS]
CHAPTERIDS Chapter number(s) to modify, comma-separated or dash-separated for a range.
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
-t, --type=all|summary|chapter [default: all] Edit either chapter file, summary file or all.
$ chptr modify
$ chptr mod
See code: src\commands\edit.ts
chptr help [COMMAND]
display help for chptr
$ chptr help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
chptr init [NAME]
Generates basic config files for a new novel project
$ chptr init [NAME]
NAME Name of project
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-a, --author=author Name of author of project
-d, --directorystructure=/|chapters/|chapters/number/| Directory structure initially written in config file
-e, --email=email Email of author of project
-f, --force=force [default: false] Overwrite config files if they exist.
Specify a filename to overwrite only one; write `true` to
overwrite all.
-h, --help show CLI help
-l, --language=language Language of project
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
-r, --gitRemote=gitRemote Git address of remote repository.
-s, --style=style Config files in JSON5 or YAML?
$ chptr setup
See code: src\commands\init.ts
chptr plugins
list installed plugins
$ chptr plugins
--core show core plugins
$ chptr plugins
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
chptr plugins:install PLUGIN...
installs a plugin into the CLI
$ chptr plugins:install PLUGIN...
PLUGIN plugin to install
-f, --force yarn install with force flag
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
Can be installed from npm or a git url.
Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.
e.g. If you have a core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a user-installed plugin with a 'hello' command
will override the core plugin implementation. This is useful if a user needs to update core plugin functionality in
the CLI without the need to patch and update the whole CLI.
$ chptr plugins:add
$ chptr plugins:install myplugin
$ chptr plugins:install
$ chptr plugins:install someuser/someplugin
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
chptr plugins:link PLUGIN
links a plugin into the CLI for development
$ chptr plugins:link PLUGIN
PATH [default: .] path to plugin
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
Installation of a linked plugin will override a user-installed or core plugin.
e.g. If you have a user-installed or core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a linked plugin with a 'hello'
command will override the user-installed or core plugin implementation. This is useful for development work.
$ chptr plugins:link myplugin
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
chptr plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
removes a plugin from the CLI
$ chptr plugins:uninstall PLUGIN...
PLUGIN plugin to uninstall
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
$ chptr plugins:unlink
$ chptr plugins:remove
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
chptr plugins:update
update installed plugins
$ chptr plugins:update
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
See code: @oclif/plugin-plugins
Modify chapter title in text, metadata and filename or tracked filename
CHAPTERIDORFILENAME Chapter number or tracked filename to modify
NEWNAME New chapter name
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-a, --all Will run on every chapter file. Will ignore a `chapterIdOrFilename argument.`
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
-s, --save Commit to git at the same time.
-t, --title Use chapter's title as new name. Will supercede a `newName` argument.
See code: src\commands\rename.ts
Takes a chapter and modifies its index number to fit another ordering place
$ chptr reorder [ORIGINID] [DESTINATIONID]
ORIGINID Chapter number to move
DESTINATIONID Number it will become (write `end` or `@end`to put at the end of each stack).
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-c, --compact Compact chapter numbers at the same time
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
-s, --save Commit to git at the same time.
$ chptr move
See code: src\commands\reorder.ts
Parse modified text files, adjust sentence and paragraph endings, and commit files to repository.
NUMBERORFILENAME Chamber number to save, or tracked filename or filename pattern to save to repository
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-e, --empty No manual message in commit
-f, --filename=filename Tracked filename or filename pattern to filter which files to stage before saving to
-h, --help show CLI help
-m, --message=message Message to use in commit to repository
-n, --number=number Chapter number to filter which files to stage before saving to repository
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
-t, --track Force tracking of file if not already in repository
$ chptr commit
See code: src\commands\save.ts
chptr track [FILENAME]
Add a file to be tracked in repository that is not a chapter, summary or metadata file.
$ chptr track [FILENAME]
FILENAME Filename to track
-N, --notify show a notification box when command is completed.
-h, --help show CLI help
-p, --path=path [default: .] Path where root of project files are
See code: src\commands\track.ts