This is a custom component (input dropdown grid textarea map captcha) published to npm.
custom component (input dropdown grid textarea map captcha)
npm: npm install chi-app-lib
lib-chi-input (material design)
@Input() type = 'text';
@Input() direction = 'rtl';
@Input() floatLabel = 'auto'; // never
@Input() pattern = '';
@Input() petternMessage = 'مقدار این فیلد صحیح نیست!';
@Input() className;
@Input() readonly;
@Input() required;
@Input() placeHolder;
@Input() hintText;
@Input() minLength;
@Input() maxLength;
@Input() showValidatorMessage = true;
@Input() showSuffix = false;
@Input() suffixIcon = 'close';
@Input() isDirty;
@Input() focuse;
@Output() suffixClicked = new EventEmitter<any>();
@Output() isValid = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
lib-text-area (material design)
@Input() type = 'text';
@Input() direction = 'rtl';
@Input() pattern = '';
@Input() className;
@Input() readonly;
@Input() required;
@Input() placeHolder;
@Input() hintText;
@Input() minLength ;
@Input() maxLength ;
@Input() showCountValue ;
@Input() isDirty ;
@Input() showValidatorMessage = true ;
@Output() isValid = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
lib-dropdown (material design)
@Input() options = []; ex: [{value: 'value', viewValue: 'viewText'}]
@Input() direction = 'rtl';
@Input() floatLabel = 'auto'; // never
@Input() pattern = '';
@Input() className;
@Input() readonly;
@Input() required;
@Input() placeHolder;
@Input() showValidatorMessage = true;
@Input() isDirty;
@Output() isValid = new EventEmitter<boolean>();
@Output() valueChanged = new EventEmitter<any>();
lib-grid (material design)
@Input() columns: string[] = [];
@Input() actionsColumns: string[] = [];
@Input() columnsToDisplay: string[] ;
@Input() data;
@Input() height = '400px';
@Input() hasFilter;
@Input() filterOfSrc;
@Input() filterOnSrc;
@Output() openFilter = new EventEmitter<any>();
@Output() clearFilter = new EventEmitter<any>();
@Output() actionActor = new EventEmitter<any>(); *** reurn value Format: {actor: actor, row: row}
***example Column-define
columnDef: 'databaseField',
type: 'string', // 'color' // number
width: '20%',
header: 'headerName',
hasIcon: true, // type is 'color'
color: 'red',
icon: 'fonMaterialIcon', // type is 'color' && 'hasIcon' show this font-icon
bold: (element: any) => `${!element.seen}`,
cell: (element: any) => `${}`
/* for define action column */
columnDef: 'actions',
type: 'string',
width: '30%',
header: '',
cell: (element: any) => ``
/* for define filter column */
columnDef: 'filter',
type: 'string',
width: '30%',
header: '',
cell: (element: any) => ``
***example of action Column-define
actinColumn = [
{'name': 'action Name', 'actor': 'actionFunction', 'show': showActionFunction}];
lib-chi-map (mapbox-gl-js)
@Input() mapUrl;
@Input() maxZoom = 18;
@Input() minZoom = 5;
@Input() zoom = 5;
@Input() center: any = [51.4, 35.7];
@Input() southWest = {lat: 24.350969, lng: 44.0};
@Input() northEast = {lat: 39.912996, lng: 63.5};
@Input() zoomControl = false;
@Input() dragging = true;
@Input() markerUrl;
@Input() markerSize;
@Input() markerAnchor;
@Input() coordinateMarker;
@Input() resetCoordinate;
@Input() zoomMarker = 17;
@Input() width;
@Input() height;
@Input() showMarker = true;
@Output() coordinate = new EventEmitter<any>();
@Output() getMap = new EventEmitter<any>();