A Chess Engine written in Typescript using bitboards
ChessEngineTS is my implementation of a bitboard chess engine written in typescript
- Move generation
- Load/Export FEN
In development
- Search
- Evaluation
- Load/Export PGN
- FEN validation
- Move history feature
Run the following command to install the most recent version of chess-engine-ts from NPM:
npm install chess-engine-ts
or using yarn
yarn add chess-engine-ts
Example Code
The code below creates a board with pieces at starting position
import { Board } from 'chess-engine-ts'
const board = new Board();
User Interface
ChessEngineTS will only operate in the background of your program, using this API will make creating the user interface easier.
Constructor: Board( fen : string
The Board() constructor takes an optional parameter which specifies the board configuration in Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN).
import { Board } from 'chess-engine-ts'
// board defaults to the starting position when called with no parameters
const board = new Board()
// pass in a FEN string to load a particular position
const board = new Board(
'2q5/K7/1P2r2n/Q2n2P1/2p3P1/p1Pp1k2/2R2B2/8 w - - 0 1'
Returns an array of elements consisting of piece data or empty squares(undefined
import { Board } from 'chess-engine-ts';
const board = new Board()
//-> [
// { type: 'r', color: 'b', square: 'a8' },
// { type: 'n', color: 'b', square: 'b8' },
// { type: 'b', color: 'b', square: 'c8' },
// { type: 'q', color: 'b', square: 'd8' },
// { type: 'k', color: 'b', square: 'e8' },
// { type: 'b', color: 'b', square: 'f8' },
// { type: 'n', color: 'b', square: 'g8' },
// { type: 'r', color: 'b', square: 'h8' },
// ...
// {type: 'r', color: 'w', square: 'a1'},
// {type: 'n', color: 'w', square: 'b1'},
// {type: 'b', color: 'w', square: 'c1'},
// {type: 'q', color: 'w', square: 'd1'},
// {type: 'k', color: 'w', square: 'e1'},
// {type: 'b', color: 'w', square: 'f1'},
// {type: 'n', color: 'w', square: 'g1'},
// {type: 'r', color: 'w', square: 'h1'}]
.loadFen(fen : string
loads Fen
import { Board } from 'chess-engine-ts';
const board = new Board();
board.loadFen('rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/P7/8/1PPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1')
.exportFen() : string
Returns the FEN of the current position
import { Board } from 'chess-engine-ts'
const board = new Board();
board.move('a2', 'a4');
//-> rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/P7/8/1PPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 1
.move(from : Square
, to : Square
) : boolean
Takes two arguments, both are of type Square
| b1
, c1
... f8
| g8
| h8
whichs moves the piece from->to
if move is valid it will return true
, else false
import { Board } from 'chess-engine-ts';
const board = new Board();
board.move('a2', 'a4');
.validMoves(square : Square
) : Square
Takes in one argument of type square, returns an array of valid moves of type Square
| b1
, c1
... f8
| g8
| h8
import { Board } from 'chess-engine-ts';
const board = new Board();
//->[ 'a3', 'a4' ]
.isCheck() : boolean
returns if current color is in check
import { Board } from 'chess-engine-ts';
const board = new Board('3b1q1q/1N2PRQ1/rR3KBr/B4PP1/2Pk1r1b/1P2P1N1/2P2P2/8 b - -');
//-> true
.isMate() : boolean
returns if current color has no legal moves and is in check
import { Board } from 'chess-engine-ts';
const board = new Board('3b1q1q/1N2PRQ1/rR3KBr/B4PP1/2Pk1r1b/1P2P1N1/2P2P2/8 b - -');
//-> true
.isStalemate() : boolean
returns if current color has no legal moves and is not in check
import { Board } from 'chess-engine-ts';
const board = new Board('8/6p1/5p2/5k1K/7P/8/8/8 w - - -');
//-> true