An adapter for cherrytree router for using it with React
Use the cherrytree router in your React applications. This project provides a React component that you should put at the root of your render tree. The component handles hot reloading.
$ npm install --save react cherrytree cherrytree-for-react
import React from 'react'
import createCherrytree from 'cherrytree'
import { Router, Link } from 'cherrytree-for-react'
import * as components from './components'
const {
} = components
const cherrytree = createCherrytree().map(routes)
export default class App extends React.Component {
render () {
return (
<Router router={cherrytree} />
function routes (route) {
route('app', { path: '/', component: Application }, () => {
route('about', { path: 'about', component: About })
route('stargazers', { path: 'stargazers', component: GithubStargazers }, () => {
route('repo', { path: ':username/:repo', component: GithubRepo })
route('user', { path: ':username', component: GithubUser })
The router will be injected into the context of the render tree. You can use it to generate links or initiate transitions, e.g.
let transition = this.context.router.transitionTo('repo', {username: 'facebook', repo: 'react'})
let url = this.context.router.generate('repo', {username: 'facebook', repo: 'react'})
Browse cherrytree repo for more docs and examples.
Generating Links
components are used to create an <a>
element that links to a route.
Import first
import { Link } from 'cherrytree-for-react'
For example, assuming you have the following route:
route('showPost', {path: '/posts/:postID', component: Post})
You could use the following component to link to that route:
<Link to='showPost' params={{ postId: }} query={{ show: true }} />
To create a link with full (external or local) url, use the href
attribute instead
<Link href={`/posts/${}`} />
Server Side Usage
This component can also be used in the server side, in that case, an already started cherrytree instance needs to be passed in, e.g.
// start listening
cherrytree.listen(new cherrytree.MemoryLocation('/foo/bar')).then(function () {
React.renderToString(<Router router={cherrytree} />)
In this case, the <Router>
component will detect that the router has already been started and will
not call the asynchronous listen function.
For a full, working server side example, see the cherrytree/examples/server-side-example.
Why not a cherrytree middleware?
The typical extension point for cherrytree is the middleware mechanism. However, wrapping cherrytree in a React component is what enables the hot reloading functionality. A new cherrytree instance can be swapped in via the prop into the router during the hot reloads. The router is then kept in the component state meaning we have a reference to the old instance and can clean up using cherrytree.destroy() between the hot reloads. The middleware is still used as a way to update the state of the Router component that triggers the rerender.
There are currently two examples:
- a purely server side express app using
can be found over at cherrytree/examples/server-side-react - a client side redux + react + cherrytree + hot reloading example over at KidkArolis/cherrytree-redux-react-example