Hiearchial Routing in Knockout with CherryTree
CherryTree for Knockout
Hiearchial routing for Knockout via the CherryTree router
As you design your webapp, you will begin to identify workflows and pages in a heirachial fashion. Given the familiar forum domain, you will have a list of forums, then a list of thread in a specific form, then posts in that forum. You may also have an account page which has a private messages section. Each section will have it's own view and logic, and may need data loaded before it can be reached.
cherrytree-for-knockout helps you with all that legwork. Inspired by Knockout components, You associate view models and templates with routes that will load and display where you want in the page (you define that, and anything outside the view model for the route, like a breadcrumb bar, account dropdown that is on every page, etc is fully in your control). You can even specify data you need (any function that returns a promise) that will be provided to your view model constructor.
cherrytree-for-knockout is very lightweight, focused on one single responsibility, with under 350 lines of code. It has one job and does it well.
Specify your template and optional viewModel constructor when you map your routes like so:
var login = {
viewModel: function() {
this.username = ko.observable()
// ....
template: '<form class="login"><input name="username" data-bind="value: username"></input> .... </form>'
var forums = { /* ... */ } {
route('login', login)
route('forums.index', forums)
route('forums', forums, function() {
route('forums.view', forum)
route('threads', forum, function() {
route('thread', thread)
Now for the HTML:
<ul data-bind="foreach: $root.activeRoutes()">
<li data-bind="routeHref: name, text: name"></li>
<a class="signout" data-bind="click: signout"></a>
<main data-bind="routeView: router"></main>
router: router,
signout: function() { /* ... */ }
Notice the routeView
binding. This is where your route will be rendered. In the top level routeView
binding, you must provide the router instance. This will be available on the root view model as router
. For nested routeView
s, the parameter is currently ignored so true
or {}
will suffice.
Above main
there is a header which creates a breadcrumb of the active routes. activeRoutes
is added onto the $root of your view model by cherrytree-for-knockout
. routeHref
is a binding handler that will set the href
for the route you specify via router.generate
Below that is a signout button with a click handler, showing that cherrytree-for-knockout plugs into your existing app how you wish, and ultimately your are still in control of your application's layout and workflow.
When writing your view markup, you can access the route view model at $route.$root
Two-way binding of Query Parameters
Keeping all your view state in the query parameter allows users to always refresh the page and get back right where they are at, and share links to other people to see exactly what they are seeing. cherrytree-for-knockout will let you bind to query string parameters easily to support this by giving you an observable that reflects the query string, including defaults.
var inbox = {
path: 'inbox',
query: {
sort: 'desc'
viewModel: function(params) {
this.toggleSort = () => params.sort(params.sort() === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc')
template: '<div class="inbox">\
<a class="sort" data-bind="click: $route.$root.toggleSort, text: $route.queryParams.sort"></a>\
When a.sort
is clicked, the URL becomes /inbox?sort=desc
. When clicked again, it becomes /inbox
as sort gets set back to it's default.