A very,very simple Neos VR Chat Bot Library.
cheos-bot Library
This is a very, early pre-release, stuff may break and you may scratch your head. DON'T USE IT YET!!!
A very small, subset of Neos' HTTP APIs, which are enough to make a small Neos Bot. It can't really do much right now. But It can do what I need it to do. If you'd like to suggest features please let me know by opening an issue.
Disclaimer: cheos-bot is not officially sanctioned or affiliated with Neos, its team or Solirax.
Install cheos-bot
npm i --save @probableprime/cheos-bot
Use cheos-bot
const {NeosBot} = require('@probableprime/cheos-bot');
const bot = new NeosBot();
async function main() {
await bot.login('Bot', 'Boop');
bot.messages.onNewMessage(message => {
console.log(`New Message from: ${message.senderId}, of type: ${message.messageType}`);
console.log(`Message contents: ${message.content}`);
bot.friends.onFriendAdded(friend => {
console.log(`New Friend Added: ${friend.friendUsername}!`);
bot.onError(error => {
Things might seem a little weird here, that's because it is. This is a very early look at a working on this. Neos is new and changing and a lot of stuff is subject to change both here and in Neos. So please provide feedback in the issues section.
Design Principles
I have some random design principles at play here:
- Do only what is needed. Cheos doesn't aim to implement the entirety of Neos' APIs
- TypeScript. TypeScript provides confidence and clarity for developers and eventually... docs.
- Newest JavaScript / Node features. We're in 2021. We use classes, maps, async/await and whatever else.
- Segregated Functionality, Avoiding a God Object Lets me Write Faster
- Yeah I know NeosBot is a god Object, but its just wrapped for simplicity. It doesn't actually make any requests.
- Signals vs Event Emitters see Events for more info. I'm still not sure about this one.
- Make it easy. No one has time for this
Known Issues
- Error Handling is terrible... Like really bad... Half the time I don't even handle them.
- Failure states, retries and cascade failures can happen
- See Events
- No Tests
- No Docs
- Incomplete (V0.1.0) means basically nothing in the grand scheme of things