A zero-config toolchain for developing chayns® apps.
chayns-toolkit contains pre-configured tools for the development, publishing and quality assurance of your app. It was created to simplify the development experience when working with React.
This toolchain is specialized in developing apps and plugins for the chayns® platform. If you want to develop a general purpose web app, take a look at Next.js.
❯ Getting Started
For the easiest way to start a new chayns® project with chayns-toolkit check out
❯ Documentation
Visit to view the full documentation.
❯ Migration v2 to v3
The chayns-toolkit moved RsBuild instead of webpack in this version. This means customizing the config has changed significantly.
- output.apiVersion has been removed
- remoteEntry.js has been renamed to v2.remoteEntry.js
- output.serverSideRendering has been added. This creates a build to use for modules in SSR.
- Creates two subdirectories in build directory for client- and server-build.
- dotenv-Files will be automatically loaded now depending on the current NODE_ENV/BUILD_ENV
- Only variables which start with PUBLIC_ are passed to the javascript context. Other variables are only available in the toolkit.config.js to customize the config
- Not defined environment-variables are not replaced by RsBuild which can cause errors (webpack replaced them with empty string)
- output.entryPoints has been added and changes how to configure the entry points of the application
❯ Contributing
Please see our contributing document.