Angular5 SVG Charts from scratch
Angular5 SVG Charts from scratch
This angular5 charts app contains no thrid party chart dependencies (such as chart.js, d3.js, ngx-charts or highcharts). You also need the GraphSerivce in app/serices/graph.service.ts
To launch:
npm install
ng serve
Add the chart components to your app:
Import the component
- In Parent
import { GraphService } from './services/graph.service'; import { DataService } from './services/fetchdata.service';
### Add the ChartsComponent and GrpahService and DataService to NgModule declarations:
@NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent, ChartsComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, CommonModule ], providers: [ GraphService, DataService ], bootstrap: [AppComponent]
### Define and assign dataSet object values
- In Parent ```app.component.ts``` which will use the chart component
title = 'Angular5 Charts';
chartStyle = { "height.px": 300, "width.px": 500, "font-family": "Arial" };
labelStyle = { fill: "blue" }
axisLabelStyle = { fill: "red" } legendStyle = { position: "relative", top: -350, left: 500
chartData = {
xlabels: ["Jan", "Feb", "March", "April", "May", "June"],
series: [
{ legend: "Red trucks", type: "line", stroke: "red", "strokewidth": "1", "strokedasharray": "5,5", yval: [920, 300, 400, 300, 200, 100] },
{ legend: "Blue trucks", type: "line", stroke: "blue", "strokewidth": "1", "strokedasharray": "0", yval: [50, 250, 350, 450, 350, 250] }
{ legend: 2018, type: "bar", barIndex: 0, fill: "yellow", yval: [100, 300, 400, 300, 200, 100] },
{ legend: 2019, type: "bar", barIndex: 1, fill: "red", yval: [150, 250, 350, 450, 350, 250] },
{ legend: 2020, type: "bar", barIndex: 2, fill: "orange", yval: [150, 250, 350, 450, 350, 250] },
### define function to handle chart clicks events
pointClicked(event): void {
console.log(event); // insert your code here
Invoke the module with previously created dataSet atrribute
In parent app.component.html
<app-charts [dataSet]="chartOptions"
Option to add click event : to update data
<button mat-raised-button (click)="updateDataSet('prev')">Prev</button>
Alternatively use the npm package: be sure to add in services manually
Import as an npm package
npm i chart-angular5
In Parent
import { ChartsComponent } from 'import { ChartsComponent } from 'chart-angular5';
Add the component to NgModule imports:
imports: [
noramlisation of axis
Used an algorithim based on dataSet values, and followed below graph rules such as,
- there should be a given number of y labels provided and assumption this would be 5 or 10 ticks on y axis, to make it legible and evenly divided
- the Y axis labels are auto generated from the passed in dataSet values and should be nice (round numbers etc) , there the labels are calculated by rounding the max y value to nearest 100th and dividing by number of y labels required.
- it assumes 0 is the min value and plots the max value based on data set values provided y axis ticks will be spaced between these min (0) and max points based on the number of y labels required, and the height.
- it plots all the x values (loops through all dataSet.length).
- it plots the x values using the width / data set length as the steps between x values
- margins and offsets are included in the algorithim to ensure there is enough space for labels and margins, and the space remaining is where the graph is plotted.
- graph plot points are based on the xStep value combined and y values related to the max value and the height. e.g. with Feb having 745 as a value: Y point = maxHeight (240) - (maxHeight (240)/ (maxNm 1300 / y value(745)) = y = 102
Pass data to charts component via dataSet object:
contains information to create graph element attributes such as:
dataset.points: creates the chart line:
<path d:"M 30 50 L 100 80 L 200 60 L 280 30"> You can use it to create lines, curves, arcs and more. The shape of a path element is defined by one attribute:
= Move to and Start line from : x30,y50 coordinates
= draws a line from current (x30,y50) to x100 y80 etc
fill stroke
(colour) and stroke-width
(number / e.g. 2) are also part of path but are defined as class .chart-line in css
: horizontal X Axis legendsdataSet.ylabels
: vertical Y Axis legendsdataSet.xline
: horizontal X Axis line from position x1,x2 to y1,y2 (x Axis will have same value for x1 and x2)dataSet.yline
: vertical Y Axis line from position x1,x2 to y1,y2 (y Axis will have same value for y1, y2)dataSet.labelStyle
: All styles are optional, component provides defaults - if passing params, they will overwrite component css styles, and must be valid css key value pairs
object is populated via the generateDataSet()
Sample of dataSet
object generated dynamically using values from Input() dataSet
sample points
points: [{
type: "line",
values: [item: yval, x:100, y:100]
type: "line",
values: [item: yval, x:200, y:300]
this.dataSet = {
points: [{
type: item.type,
{ item: yval, x: this.leftOffset + (this.xStep * index), y: this.maxHeight - (this.maxHeight / (this.maxNm / yval)) }
xlabels: [
{ x: this.leftOffset + this.xStep * index, y: this.maxHeight + this.xLineBottomMargin, text: chartData.xlabels },
ylabels: [
{ x: this.leftOffset - this.ylineMargin, y: this.yStep * i, text: yLegend.toString() },
{ x: this.lineWidth / 2, y: this.maxHeight + this.xLabelMargin, title: this.dataSet.labels.xAxisID },
{ x: this.ylabelMargin, y: this.maxHeight / 2, title: this.dataSet.labels.yAxisID },
xline: // how long x horizontal Axis: `x1, x2` specify how long line is e.g. 60-360. `y1, y2` specify where line appears
{ x1: this.leftOffset, x2: this.lineWidth, y1: this.maxHeight, y2: this.maxHeight },
yline: //how long y vertical line top is 5 bottom is chart height e.g. 300
{ x1: this.leftOffset, x2: this.leftOffset, y1: this.maxHeight, y2: 0 }
Y axis:
e.g. Y label 1300, 1040, 780, 520, 260. in above sample. max value (1234) rounded to nearest 100th (=1300) for legibility, divided by quantity Y labels required as specified in dataSet.numYlabels
In the example shown, Y label step/tick 'yStepLabel' = 260.
let yStepLabel = this.maxNm / this.dataSet.numYlabels
1300 / 5 = 260 (labels are "1300" - 260 = "1040", -260 = "780" etc).
this.maxNm = Math.ceil(this.maxNm / 100) * 100;
Y-Axis ticks / Y labels:
this.yStep = this.maxHeight / this.dataSet.numYlabels
dataSet.chartStyle.height(300) minus xLabelMargin(60) = 240 , divided by quantity Y labels (5) . This gives us the YStepLabel value of 48 : which is the intervals between Y positions. starting at y:0, add 48 each time to plot y ticks. 0, 48,96,144,192.
x Axis ticks / X labels:
The X-Axis label is the chartData.xlabel specified in dataSet (Jan/feb/March in sample dataSet above etc), the quantity of xlabels is the dataSet length (10 in this case)
xlabels.push({ x: this.ylineMargin + this.leftOffset + this.xStep * index, y: this.maxHeight + this.xLineBottomMargin, text: item.xlabel });
x ticks are generated from the xStep which is the dataSet.chartStyle.width (600 ) minus leftOffset(150) = 450 divided by dataSet.length.(10) = 45.
X = starting at leftOffset
+ yLineMargin
(e.g. Jan = 155) + xStep
(45) => Feb 200, + 45 => March 245 + 45 = April 290 etc
x,y Points:
points.push({ x: this.ylineMargin + this.leftOffset + (this.xStep * index), y: this.maxHeight - (this.maxHeight / (this.maxNm / item.value)) });
X,Y points are calcualted using the xStep above (Jan 155, Feb 200, March 245 , April 290 etc) along with the y axis as it relates to the value Y : maxHeight - (maxHeight / (maxNum / y value) In the example of Feb having a value of 745 : Y : 240 - (240 / (1300/745)) = 102.46
SVG Tips:
for anything SVG specific, the attr. prefix is required because the SVG DOM generally does not expose attributes as properties like the HTML DOM does.
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 1.7.3.
Development server
Run ng serve
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/
. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.
Code scaffolding
Run ng generate component component-name
to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module
Run ng build
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
directory. Use the -prod
flag for a production build.
Running unit tests
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.
Running end-to-end tests
Run ng e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.
Further help
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI README.