Backend Software for the Charging Point using OCPP 2.0.1
Anleitung zu dem Programm
1. Voraussetzungen
Installieren NodeJS LTS Version
- Überprüfen es im Terminal mit:
node -v
- Überprüfen der Installation des NPM (Node Package Manager) mit:
npm -v
Installieren MongoDB Version 4.4.4
Laden Default Konfiguration
1.1 (Optional, falls es noch kein Project gibt) Erstellen eines neuen Projectes
- Terminal öffnen
- in den Ordner gehen, in dem das Modul installieren werden soll
- Falls es ein neuer bzw. leerer Ordner ist (ohne
), dann ausführen - Hinzufügen 2 Collections "controllers" und "messages", korrigieren Controllers die EVSEID haben
npm init
2. Installieren notwendiger Module
- Terminal öffnen
- In den Ordner gehen, in dem sich
befinden und wo das Modul installiert werden soll - Folgender Befehl eingeben:
npm install
3. Testen der erfolgreichen Installation
- Terminal öffnen
- In den Order gehen, in dem sich
befinden - Folgender Befehl eingeben:
npm start
- Es sollten alle Test erfolgreich durchlaufen
kommt demnächst
Realiserte UseCases auf der Seite von CP (42 :white_check_mark: /119 :x:)
A. Security (0 :white_check_mark: /5 :x:)
- :x: A01 Update Charging Station Password for HTTP Basic Authentication
- :x: A02 Update Charging Station Certificate by request of CSMS
- :x: A03 Update Charging Station Certificate initiated by the Charging Station
- :x: A04 Security Event Notification
- :x: A05 Upgrade Charging Station Security Profile
B. Provisioning (8 :white_check_mark:/12 :x:)
- :white_check_mark: B01 Cold Boot Charging Station
- :white_check_mark: B02 Cold Boot Charging Station - Pending
- :white_check_mark: B03 Cold Boot Charging Station - Rejected
- :x: B04 Offline Behavior Idle Charging Station
- :white_check_mark: B05 Set Variables
- :white_check_mark: B06 Get Variables
- :white_check_mark: B07 Get Base Report
- :x: B08 Get Custom Report
- :x: B09 Setting a new NetworkConnectionProfile
- :x: B10 Migrate to new CSMS
- :white_check_mark: B11 Reset - Without Ongoing Transaction
- :white_check_mark: B12 Reset - With Ongoing Transaction
C. Authorization (5 :white_check_mark:/16 :x:)
- :white_check_mark: C01 EV Driver Authorization using RFID
- :x: C02 Authorization using a start button
- :x: C03 Authorization using credit/debit card
- :x: C04 Authorization using PIN-code
- :x: C05 Authorization for CSMS initiated transactions
- :x: C06 Authorization using local id type
- :x: C07 Authorization using Contract Certificates
- :x: C08 Authorization at EVSE using ISO 15118 External Identification Means (EIM)
- :x: C09 Authorization by GroupId
- :white_check_mark: C10 Store Authorization Data in the Authorization Cache
- :white_check_mark: C11 Clear Authorization Data in Authorization Cache
- :x: C12 Start Transaction - Cached Id
- :white_check_mark: C13 Offline Authorization through Local Authorization List
- :white_check_mark: C14 Online Authorization through Local Authorization List
- :x: C15 Offline Authorization of unknown Id
- :x: C16 Stop Transaction with a Master Pass
D. LocalAuthorizationListManagment (2 :white_check_mark:/2 :x:)
- :white_check_mark: D01 Send Local Authorization List
- :white_check_mark: D02 Get Local List Version
E. Transactions (2 :white_check_mark:/15 :x:)
- :white_check_mark: E01 Start Transaction options
- :x: E02 Start Transaction - Cable Plugin First
- :x: E03 Start Transaction - IdToken First
- :x: E04 Transaction started while Charging Station is offline
- :x: E05 Start Transaction - Id not Accepted
- :white_check_mark: E06 Stop Transaction options
- :x: E07 Transaction locally stopped by IdToken
- :x: E08 Transaction stopped while Charging Station is offline
- :x: E09 When cable disconnected on EV-side: Stop Transaction
- :x: E10 When cable disconnected on EV-side: Suspend Transaction
- :x: E11 Connection Loss During Transaction
- :x: E12 Inform CSMS of an Offline Occurred Transaction
- :x: E13 Transaction-related message not accepted by CSMS
- :x: E14 Check transaction status
- :x: E15 End of charging process
F. RemoteControl (0 :white_check_mark:/6 :x:)
- :x: F01 Remote Start Transaction - Cable Plugin First
- :x: F02 Remote Start Transaction - Remote Start First
- :x: F03 Remote Stop Transaction
- :x: F04 Remote Stop ISO 15118 Charging from CSMS
- :x: F05 Remotely Unlock Connector
- :x: F06 Trigger Message
G. Availability (1 :white_check_mark:/5 :x:)
- :white_check_mark: G01 Status Notification
- :white_check_mark: G02 Heartbeat
- :x: G03 Change Availability EVSE/Connector
- :x: G04 Change Availability Charging Station
- :x: G05 Lock Failure
H. Reservation (4 :white_check_mark:/4 :x:)
- :white_check_mark: H01 Reservation
- :white_check_mark: H02 Cancel Reservation
- :white_check_mark: H03 Use a reserved EVSE
- :white_check_mark: H04 Reservation Ended, not used
I. TariffAndCost (5 :white_check_mark:/6 :x:)
- :white_check_mark: I01 Show EV Driver-specific Tariff Information
- :white_check_mark: I02 Show EV Driver Running Total Cost During Charging
- :white_check_mark: I03 Show EV Driver Final Total Cost After Charging
- :x: I04 Show Fallback Tariff Information
- :white_check_mark: I05 Show Fallback Total Cost Message
- :white_check_mark: I06 Update Tariff Information During Transaction
J. MeterValues (1 :white_check_mark:/3 :x:)
- :x: J01 Sending Meter Values not related to a transaction
- :white_check_mark: J02 Sending transaction related Meter Values
- :x: J03 Charging Loop with metering information exchange
K. SmartCharging (0 :white_check_mark:/17 :x:)
- :x: K01 SetChargingProfile
- :x: K02 Central Smart Charging
- :x: K03 Local Smart Charging
- :x: K04 Internal Load Balancing
- :x: K05 Remote Start Transaction with Charging Profile
- :x: K06 Offline Behavior Smart Charging During Transaction
- :x: K07 Offline Behavior Smart Charging at Start of Transaction
- :x: K08 Get Composite Schedule
- :x: K09 Get Charging Profiles
- :x: K10 Clear Charging Profile
- :x: K11 Set / Update External Charging Limit With Ongoing Transaction
- :x: K12 Set / Update External Charging Limit Without Ongoing Transaction
- :x: K13 Reset / Release External Charging Limit
- :x: K14 External Charging Limit with Local Controller
- :x: K15 Charging with load leveling based on High Level Communication
- :x: K16 Renegotiation initiated by CSMS
- :x: K17 Renegotiation initiated by EV
L. FirmwareManagment (0 :white_check_mark:/4 :x:)
- :x: L01 Secure Firmware Update
- :x: L02 Non-Secure Firmware Update
- :x: L03 Publish Firmware file on Local Controller
- :x: L04 Unpublish Firmware file on Local Controller
M. ISO15118CertificateManagment (0 :white_check_mark:/6 :x:)
- :x: M01 Certificate installation EV
- :x: M02 Certificate Update EV
- :x: M03 Retrieve list of available certificates from a Charging Station
- :x: M04 Delete a specific certificate from a Charging Station
- :x: M05 Install CA certificate in a Charging Station
- :x: M06 Get V2G Charging Station Certificate status
N. Diagnostics (7 :white_check_mark:/10 :x:)
- :x: N01 Retrieve Log Information
- :white_check_mark: N02 Get Monitoring report
- :white_check_mark: N03 Set Monitoring Base
- :white_check_mark: N04 Set Variable Monitoring
- :white_check_mark: N05 Set Monitoring Level
- :white_check_mark: N06 Clear / Remove Monitoring
- :white_check_mark: N07 Alert Event
- :white_check_mark: N08 Periodic Event
- :x: N09 Get Customer Information
- :x: N10 Clear Customer Information
O. DisplayMessage (6 :white_check_mark:/6 :x:)
- :white_check_mark: O01 Set DisplayMessage
- :white_check_mark: O02 Set DisplayMessage for Transaction
- :white_check_mark: O03 Get All DisplayMessages
- :white_check_mark: O04 Get Specific DisplayMessages
- :white_check_mark: O05 Clear a DisplayMessage
- :white_check_mark: O06 Replace DisplayMessage
P. DataTransfer (0 :white_check_mark:/2 :x:)
- :x: P01 Data Transfer to the Charging Station
- :x: P02 Data Transfer to the CSMS