A socket io driven command line chat app. Our server uses TensorFlow to moderate messages and try to stop toxicity and bad language.
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We wanted to build a socket io driven command line chat app. Our server uses TensorFlow to moderate messages and try to stop toxicity and bad language.
To install our app run the following:
$ npm i -g chapp
Once installed to run the app:
$ chapp
Once launched follow the prompts to create a username and password to login the chat rooms.
Chat commands
/join <room>
Joins specified room.
/whisper <username> <message>
Sends a private message to the specified user.
Lists all commands and how to use them.
Exits the app and disconnects from server.
The Team
Version History
- 2020-09-04 V 0.1.0 Initial files uploaded, basic app functionality added.
- 2020-09-07 V 0.2.0 Add basic menu and prompts, handle sign-in/up events and saving users to database, private messages, and room switching.
- 2020-09-09 V 1.0.0 Finish basic app functionality and deploy package to NPM
- 2020-09-10 V 1.1.1 Refactor to clean up repetitive code
- 2020-09-10 V 1.2.1 Add help command, clean codebase, visual updates