Changelog-driven version manager - helps with generating changelog and publishing a new version of a Node.js package.
Changelog-driven Version Manager
Helps with generating changelog and publishing a new version of a Node.js package.
This package is usually installed globally, so that you can use the changever
executable from any directory:
$ npm i -g changever
Make sure, that you use Node.js version 18 or newer.
Usage: changever [options] <command> [parameters]
init generate a config file with defaults
version prepare the current module for publishing a new version
(update changelog, bump version, commit and tag the change)
publish publish a new version prepared earlier by `changever version`
(push the change and tag, publish package, create gh release)
release perform both `changever version` and `changever publish`
Parameters for version and publish:
[<version>] version if the changelog update is disabled
(also major, minor or patch for bumping the existing version)
Options for version, publish and release:
--no-changes do not update the changelog
--no-bump do not bumpt the version in package.json and in the lock
--no-commit do not commit the changes during publishing
--no-tag do not tag the commit during publishing
--no-push do not push the commit and tag during publishing
--no-publish do not publish a new npm package version
--no-release do not create a new github release
--no-failure do not fail in case of no version change or release
--nc-args <args> extra arguments for newchanges, enclosed in quotes
-y|--yes answer the push and reelase confirmations with "yes"
-d|--dry-run only print what would be done without doing it
-v|--verbose print the new changes on the console too
Common options:
-c|--config <name> file name of path of the config file
-V|--version print the version of the executable and exits
-h|--help print the usage information and exits
$ changever version
$ changever publish -vd
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Copyright (c) 2023 Ferdinand Prantl
Licensed under the MIT license.