Automated changelog generator for all projects including git add and commit. __Note: Your project doesn't have to be Node, to use this tool. You can use it with all projects__.
Automated changelog generator for all projects including git add and commit. Note: Your project doesn't have to be Node, to use this tool. You can use it with all projects.
Good to know
changelog-gitter takes care of your "git add ." and "git commit". You can confirm this by checking your git logs.
- NPM - Make sure you have NPM installed
- Git - Make sure you have Git installed
npm init
(Press Enter until all the defaults are accepted. The package.json file should be generate as a result).
Then, install changelog-gitter
npm i changelog-gitter --save
- Create a change.js file in your project root
touch change.js
For windows: Create the file manual or use the following COMMAND:
echo > change.js
- Paste the following onto change.js file
- To use changelog-gitter you should first initialize Git
git init
To test if the installation was successful, do this:
node change log
If the result is as follows then it was successful:
If the above image didn't show, click the one below (
The commands you will need:
- You should know the following arguments:
node change [log]
Use this after posting atleast one change. It will generate the file in your project
node change log
This is the format you use to post changes to the changelog file.
- Patch: Applicable when making bugs changes or updates. It will increment version at x (version: 1.0.x)
- Minor: Applicable when making minor changes in the project. It will increment version at y (version: 1.y.0)
- Major: Applicable when making major changes in the project. It will increment version at z (version: z.0.0)
node change patch added "My first project patch change"
node change minor added "My first project minor change"
node change major added "My first project major change"
ii. [CHANGE_TYPE] They preceed documentation comments.
- Added: Comment on any added feature
node change patch added "new feature added"
- Changed: Comment on any change made in the project code
node change patch changed "Feature x changed to y"
- Depracted: Comment on any deprecated feature
node change patch deprecated "Feature x is no longer in use for v2.2.0"
- Removed: Comment on any removed feature
node change patch removed "x and y has been removed"
- Fixed: Comment on any fixed feature
node change patch fixed "The lag on login has been fixed"
- Security: Comment on any security feature created, updated or added
node change patch security "X was added in the db transactions to secure the data"
iii. ["COMMENT"]
This is the documentation comment. It should always be in double-qoutes.
"alike" argument
This argument is used when you want to post changes to the same version.
node change patch alike added "new change has been made"