Command line tools for Adapt
Adapt Command Line Interface
To install the CGKineo CLI, first be sure to install NodeJS and git, then from the command line run:-
npm install -g cgkineo-cli
Creating an Adapt course
cgkineo create course {path}
cgkineo create course
cgkineo create course "dev"
type - What to create. course
path - The directory of the new course.
branch - Optional - The branch of the framework to be downloaded.
For example...
This will download the Adapt framework and create an new course in the directory "dev", in your current directory.
Sublime Text vs NPM
Occasionally npm will throw errors about not being able to access certain directories. It is therefore recommended to close the text editor before running this create course instruction.
No components installed as default - No npm install or cgkineo install was ran
Occasionally only the framework is installed and no node_modules, src/extensions, src/menu or src/components folder is created. If this is the case, please:
cgkineo create course "dev"
cd dev/
npm install
cgkineo install
This issue is due to be fixed.
Please see issues section or come talk to Ollie @ [email protected]
Usage Continued
Searching for an Adapt plugin.
cgkineo search {name or partial name of plugin to search for}
Installing a plugin into your current directory
cgkineo install {name of plugin}
Additionally you can install a specific version of a plugin.
cgkineo install {name of plugin}#{version}
The default version is {name of plugin}#master
Anywhere that you are required to provide a name of a plugin it can be either fully qualified with 'adapt-' or optionally you can omit the prefix an just use the plugin name.
Therefore these commands are equivalent:
cgkineo install adapt-my-plugin
cgkineo install my-plugin
Installed plugins are saved to adapt.json
Installing plugins previously saved in adapt.json
cgkineo install
Uninstalling a plugin from your current directory
cgkineo uninstall {name of plugin}
Creating a plugin
cgkineo create {type}
type - What to create. component/extension/menu/theme
For example...
cgkineo create component
This will download the component template into your src/components/ folder.
The Plugin Registry
The plugin system is powered by Bower. Each plugin should be a valid bower package and they should be registered in the registry.json file contained in the adapt_framework root folder.
"name": "plugin-name",
"url": "https://url"
See Developing plugins for more information on defining your plugins package.
See Component Template
See Extension Template
Note: 2014-10-08 Ollie - menu and theme templates need to be created and integrated