Custom::LogJanitor | AWS CloudFormation Custom Resource | Log Janitor for CloudFormation Templates
AWS CloudFormation sometimes generates resources with machine generated names, which produce CloudWatch Log Groups with machine generated names. Many resources, such as Lambdas, produce logs with RetentionPolicy
set to Never Expire
. This creates a headache for anyone doing highly active development, with ephemeral log groups.
This Resource Type sets allows a template developer to set CloudWatch::LogGroup::RetentionPolicy::RetentionInDays
to supported values or specify deletion of LogGroup
s when the template itself is deleted. The developer specifies a LogGroupNamePrefix
to scope the janitor, and either sets the RetentionInDays
to a number to allow logs to self-cleanse after a time, or omits the configuration to allow matching groups to delete immediately when the stack is torn down.
This package on NPM
This package on GitHub
This Lambda makes use of the Lambda-Backed CloudFormation Custom Resource flow module, cfn-lambda
(GitHub / NPM).
See ./example.template.json
for a sample CloudFormation template. The example uses Condition
statements, Parameters
, and dynamic ServiceToken
generation fully.
"JanitorLogicalIdInResourcesObject": {
"Type": "Type": "Custom::CloudWatchLogsJanitor",
"Properties": {
"ServiceToken": "arn:aws:lambda:<cfn-region-id>:<your-account-id>:function:<this-deployed-lambda-name>",
"LogGroupNamePrefix": "/aws/lambda/MyLambda" // REQUIRED, prefix to manage
"RetentionInDays": "zyxwvutsrq", // Optional ENUM. Days to retain logs.
// Omission implies deletion when stack is deleted.
// Can be: 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90,
// 120, 150, 180, 365, 400, 545, 731, 1827, 3653
Installation of the Resource Service Lambda
Using the Provided Instant Install Script
The way that takes 10 seconds...
# Have aws CLI installed + permissions for IAM and Lamdba
$ npm run cfn-lambda-deploy
You will have this resource installed in every supported Region globally!
Using the AWS Console
... And the way more difficult way.
IMPORTANT: With this method, you must install this custom service Lambda in each AWS Region in which you want CloudFormation to be able to access the CloudWatchLogsJanitor
custom resource!
- Go to the AWS Lambda Console Create Function view:
Zip this repository into
$ cd $REPO_ROOT && zip -r /tmp/;
Enter a name in the Name blank. I suggest:
Enter a Description (optional).
Toggle Code Entry Type to "Upload a .ZIP file"
Click "Upload", navigate to and select
Set the Timeout under Advanced Settings to 10 sec
Click the Role dropdown then click "Basic Execution Role". This will pop out a new window.
Select IAM Role, then select option "Create a new IAM Role"
Name the role
(or something descriptive)Click "View Policy Document", click "Edit" on the right, then hit "OK"
Copy and paste the
document.Hit "Allow". The window will close. Go back to the first window if you are not already there.
Click "Create Function". Finally, done! Now go to Usage or see the example template. Next time, stick to the instant deploy script.
Collaboration & Requests
Submit pull requests or Tweet @ayetempleton if you want to get involved with roadmap as well, or if you want to do this for a living :)
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