A module that connects you to the cloud foundry services API via a custom broker
Cloud Foundry Services Connector (Node.js)
This library provides a broker implementation to develop any custom service on top of any Cloud Foundry based system.
The connector was written with the ideology of being super portable, lightweight, simple to use, and to take advantage of the node.js module ecosystem. It allows for any service to be written in pure Node.js with minimal external dependencies and memory footprint.
It's super portable, and doesn't need to be running inside a Stackato or Cloud Foundry instance - it only needs Node.js installed.
Either git clone
this repo as the base service skeleton, or: npm install cf-services-connector
in your new service.
There is an "echo service" demonstrating full use of the broker in
that should provide a good reference point to get
started writing your own service.
Once you are in the example/echo-service directory:
node server.js
The recommended way is to use the connector API directly, for example:
Broker (coffeescript):
Broker = require 'cf-services-connector'
config = require 'config/custom-service' # JSON config file
broker = new Broker(config)
broker.start (err) ->
broker.on 'error', (err) ->
broker.on 'provision', (req, next) ->
# Do custom provisioning action / generate credentials
# The API allows 'dashboard_url' to be returned here, i.e.:
# next({dashboard_url: "http://example/instance1" })
broker.on 'unprovision', (req, next) ->
# Delete service instance
broker.on 'bind', (req, next) ->
# Take any action for binding
reply =
credentials =
host: ''
port: 9999
user: 'demo'
pass: 'demo'
broker.on 'unbind', (service, cb) ->
# Undo instance binding
# here we tell the CC this instance does not exist
reply =
doesNotExist: true
Register the broker with the CC
Once you have the service setup, simply run the following against the Cloud Foundry instance you wish to install the service to (requires admin):
stackato create-service-broker demo-service --url http://<ip>:5001 --user demouser --password demopassword
or using the cf
cf create-service-broker demo-service demouser demopassword http://<ip>:5001
The username and password are defined in echo-service/config/echo-service.json
To make the service broker plans accessible to organizations you must make
a couple of extra curl calls, outlined here.
If you are using the stackato
stackato update-service-plan --public default --vendor "Echo Service"
stackato update-service-plan --public secondary --vendor "Echo Service"
Binding to an Application
Services made available through a service broker can be bound to an application in the same manner as any other service. Assuming you have an application named demo-app, the following are ways to expose your service to the app.
Using manifest.yml
- name: demo-app
type: Echo Service
Provision a Service Instance During App Push
Note: As of cf
CLI v6 cf push
no longer uses an interactive prompt.
Using the stackato
$ stackato push
# Non-service prompts and outputs omitted
Create services to bind to 'demo-app' ? [yN]: y
What kind of service ?
1. default.Echo Service
2. free.filesystem
3. free.mysql
4. free.postgresql
5. secondary.Echo Service
Choose:? 1
Specify the name of the service [default.Echo Service-608e1]
[default.Echo Service-608e1]:
Service default.Echo Service-608e1:
Creating new service [default.Echo Service-608e1] ... OK
Binding default.Echo Service-608e1 to demo-app ... OK
Create another ? [yN]: N
Uploading Application [demo-app] ...
# Remainder of deployment logs omitted
Provision a Service and Bind to an App
Using the stackato
$ stackato create-service 'Echo Service'
1. default: This is the first plan
2. secondary: This is the secondary plan
Please select the service plan to enact:? 1
Creating new service [Echo Service-608e1] ... OK
$ stackato push -n --no-start
$ stackato bind-service 'Echo Service-608e1' demo-app
Binding Echo Service-608e1 to demo-app ... OK
or using the cf
$ cf create-service 'Echo Service' default my-echo-service
Creating service my-echo-service in org Organization / space Space as user...
$ cf push --no-start
$ cf bind-service demo-app my-echo-service
Binding service my-echo-service to app demo-app in org Organization / space Space as user...
Using the Service
When a service is bound to an application, information about the service is made available through the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. Use this information to access and consume the service. Details on the consuming the service are application and service dependent.
"Echo Service": [
"name": "default.Echo Service-608e1",
"label": "Echo Service",
"tags": [],
"plan": "default",
"credentials": {
"echo": "echo",
"anotherEcho": "anotherEcho"
The logging system uses Logule
. The debug
and trace
levels are
suppressed by default, you can add a logule.json
to your services base
directory, with the following to enable debugging:
"emitter" : {
"enabled" : false,
"mutable" : false,
"suppress" : []
See Logule for more information.
Further Reading
If you plan to extend or develop this connector, the Cloud Foundry Services API documentation provides solid information for each version of the API.
Reporting Issues & feedback
Feel free to open a Github issue or join the #stackato
irc channel on