Zodiac is a composable design philosophy and collection of standards for building DAO ecosystem tooling.
A library for composable DAO tooling built on top of programmable accounts, like the Gnosis Safe.
Zodiac enables:
- Flexible module based control of programmable accounts.
- Un-opinionated standards for controlling programmable accounts.
- Reusable implementations of core and factory logic.
Zodiac defines four key components:
1. Avatars: Programmable Ethereum accounts, like the Gnosis Safe. Avatars are the address that holds balances, owns systems, executes transaction, is referenced externally, and ultimately represents your DAO.
Avatars must expose an interface like IAvatar.sol
Modules: Contracts that are enabled by an Avatar and implement some decision making logic. They should import Module.sol
Modifiers: Contracts that sit between Modules and Avatars to modify the Module's behavior. For example, they might enforce a timelock on all functions a Module attempts to execute. Modifiers should import Modifier.sol
and must expose an interface like IAvatar.sol
Guards: Contracts that can be enabled on Modules and implement pre and/or post-checks on each transaction that the Module executes. Allowing Avatars to do things like limit the scope of addresses and functions that a module can call or ensure certain state is never changed by a module.
Guards should improt BaseGuard.sol
yarn add https://github.com/gnosis/zodiac
Once installed, you can use the contracts in the library by importing them into your contract:
pragma solidity ^0.8.6;
import "https://github.com/gnosis/contracts/core/Module.sol";
contract MyModule is Module {
/// insert your code here
Zodiac compliant tools
- Gnosis Safe: The most trusted multisig solution for the Ethereum ecosystem, but also a powerful and extensible programmable avatar standard. The Gnosis Safe is the reference implementation of the IAvatar.sol interface specified in this library.
- Reality: allows on-chain execution based on the outcome of events reported by Reality.eth. Used to build the SafeSnap module for Snapshot.
- Bridge: allows an address on one chain to control an avatar on another chain, via an arbitrary message bridge.
- Exit: allows users to redeem a designated token for a relative share of an avatars assets, similar to Moloch's infamous
- Delay: allows avatars to enforce a time delay between when a module initiates a transaction and when it will be executed by the avatar.
- Scope: a transaction guard for the Gnosis Safe that restricts the multisig owners to only calling specific addresses and function signatures.
Built something cool Zodiac and want to add it to the list? Open a PR!
Zodiac is created under the LGPL-3.0+ license.