Custom Elements enRIched
You love reusable web-components, but googles polymer just doesn't look right to you? Then you have come to the right place.
The aim of CeriJS is to make development and maintenance of custom elements v1 as easy as possible.
cerijs - core and tooling
ceri-comps - simple components built with ceri
ceri-widgets - complex components built with ceri and other ceri-components
- incoperates many concepts of VueJS
- declarative instead of imperative
- not monolithic
- a component only loads what it needs
- endless backwards compatibility, new API is delivered alongside old one
- not limited to help only in "common" use cases
- tooling for building, testing and publishing
I want to use a component built with ceri
I want to build a component with ceri
I want to build a mixin for ceri
When should you want to build a component with ceri?
Lets face it, the API of your framework of love will change - if its vue, react or angular. Within a single project this is no problem, but as soon as you have several projects with sharing code, maintenance caused by API change can get tedious.
So as a rule of thumb: use ceri if you plan to use your component across projects, if it is project specific, use the framework of the project and keep it homogenous.
I want to use a component built with ceri
Custom elements aren't widely adopted, yet. So you have to use the lightweight custom-element polyfill:
npm install --save-dev document-register-element
then call it somewhere in your app
// always load the polyfill
// load the polyfill only when needed - with the help of webpack
function polyfillCE() {
require.ensure([], require => {
startupApp() // your startup code depending on window.customElements
if !window.customElements
startupApp() // your startup code depending on window.customElements
To register a component:
// the name should contain at least one hyphen
window.customElements.define("ceri-component", require("ceri-component"))
// and create a element programatically
el = document.createElement("ceri-component")
or use it in your markup
The native customElements implementation depends on ES6 classes, this requires some setup of webpack when using the UglifyJSPlugin:
npm install --save-dev uglifyjs-webpack-plugin git://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2#harmony
then use it in your webpack.config
UglifyJSPlugin = require("uglifyjs-webpack-plugin")
plugins: [new UglifyJSPlugin()]
I want to build a component with ceri
Getting started
first have a look at ceri-boilerplate
npm install --save-dev ceri
# the wrapper creates a ES6 or ES5 class, depending if the polyfill is loaded, and calls ceri on it
ceri = require "ceri/lib/wrapper"
# the component
module.exports = ceri
mixins: [
require "ceri/lib/watch"
require "ceri/lib/structure"
structure: template 1, """
<div :text="textprop"></div>
data: ->
textprop: "someText"
textprop: -> console.log "textprop changed"
Guideline for building a component
- Required style for features should be managed in
attributes - Optional style should be delivered in one or multiple "theme" css files alongside your component
- Use a mixin only if it helps to reduce complexity in your use-case. They don't come for free
- HTMLElement has a lot of properties, try to not conflict with them
All official reactions of all mixins will be merged into your component, with exception of constructor
For setup code use created
All created
callbacks will be called in the constructor
List of mixins
Name | Links| Short description ---: | ---| ------- class | doc src | helper functions to interact with element classes classes | doc src | manage the classes of your element structure combined | doc src | helper function to create a computed property which combines a prop, data and computed obj computed | doc src | adds computed property events | doc src | adds basic events management path | doc src | helper functions to move on objects props | doc src | adds props with attributes reflection structure | doc src | adds core element structure creation style | doc src | helper functions to interact with element style styles | doc src | manage the styles of your element structure svg | doc src | adds svg creation to structure tests | doc src | call unit test on ceri-views util | doc src | some basic helper functions watch | doc src | adds reactive data
List of directives
Name | Links| Short description ---: | ---| ------- #ref | doc src | saves the element on your instance #text, :text | doc src | sets the textContent of the element #if | doc src | toggle element #show | doc src | toggle visibility of an element
Template attributes
Used with structure mixins and template compiler of ceri-compiler or ceri-loader.
<!-- as expected -->
<div attr="value"></div>
<!-- binds attr to the reactive prop @propName -->
<div :attr="propName"></div>
<!-- binds the property prop of the div to the reactive prop @propName -->
<div $prop="propName"></div>
<!-- adds an eventListener on the div which will call the fn @fnName-->
<div @click="fnName"></div>
<!-- use capture mode -->
<div @click.capture="fnName"></div>
<!-- only when target == @ -->
<div @click.self="fnName"></div>
<!-- only when not prevented -->
<div @click.notPrevented="fnName"></div>
<!-- call preventDefault() -->
<div @click.prevent="fnName"></div>
<!-- call stopPropagation() -->
<div @click.stop="fnName"></div>
<!-- remove eventListener once it got called -->
<div @click.once="fnName"></div>
<!-- adds an function @focusDiv which will call focus on the div -->
<div ~focus="focusDiv"></div>
<!-- emit an event "focus" instead -->
<div ~focus.event="focusDiv"></div>
Helper functions to interact with element classes
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/class") ]
# usage
@$class.set(el, {someClass: true}) # set class on el to "someClass", el defaults to @
@$class.strToObj("someClass") # {someClass: true}
@$class.objToStr({someClass: true}) # "someClass"
@$class.setStr(el, "someClass") # set class on el to "someClass"
Manage the classes of multiple elements, imperativly and declerativly
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/classes") ]
# usage with structure & props
props: class:
type: String
name: "_class" #rename prop, as class is already taken on HTMLElement
structure: template(1,"""<div #ref="someDiv"></div>""")
data: -> @classToggled: true
this: # to target the instance
computed: -> someClass: @classToggled # someClass will be removed on @classToggled = false
data: -> someOtherClass: true # can be accessed: @classes.this.someOtherClass = false
prop: "_class" # bind to a prop to pass through a user given class
someDiv: # to target a ref
data: -> classForSomeDiv: true
Helper function to create a computed property which combines a prop, data and computed obj into one.
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/combined") ] # used in classes and styles
# usage
path: "somePath"
data: -> # should return object, will be accessible under @somePath.someName
computed: -> # should return object
prop: # name of a prop to watch
parseProp: (propValue) -> # optional, should convert the value to an object
normalize: (obj) -> # optional, should return a normalized object
cbFactory: (name) -> [(val) ->
# name will be "someName"
# the cbs will be called whenever the combined object changes
Used to lazily recompute a value whenever a dependend, reactive value changes
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/computed") ]
# usage
data: -> someDependency: true
# @computed.someData will be updated when @someDependency changes and its getter is called
someData: ->
return @someDependency*1
# when a callback is attached, the computed property will be evaluated
# as soon as a dependency changes
# to attach a callback:
@$watch.path path:"computed.someData", initial: true, cbs: [(newVal) ->
# do something with newVal
adds basic events management
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/events") ]
# usage
someEvent: (e) -> # attaches an eventListener on @
#to issue a custom event
@$emit el, "someEvent", "someOptions" # el defaults to @
@$emit "someEvent", "someOptions" # options will be accessible on e.detail
helper functions to move on objects
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/path") ]
# usage
data: -> some: path: true
@$path.toValue(path:"some.path") # {path:"some.path",value:true}
@$path.setValue(path:"some.path",value:false) # @some.path == false
@$path.toNameAndParent(path:"some.path") # {path:"some.path",name:"path",parent:@some}
adds props with attributes reflection.
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/props") ]
# usage
someProp: String # will be connected with "some-prop" attribute
type: Boolean # will be casted to boolean
name: "_someProp2" # will be accessible as @_someProp2 instead of @someProp2
someProp3: Number # will be casted to number
someProp: (val, old) -> # props are reactive
adds core element structure creation. Looks for directives.
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/structure") ]
# usage
# adds <div attr=value><p></p></div>
# as a child of your custom element
structure: ->
return @$el "div", {"":{attr:"value"}}, [@$el "p"]
# alternative with ceri-compiler / ceri-loader
structure: template 1, """<div attr=value><p></p></div>"""
Helper functions to interact with element styles
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/style") ]
# usage
@$style.set(el, {position:"absolute"}) # el defaults to @
@$style.normalize("position") # will find vendor prefixes
@$style.normalizeObj({position:"absolute"}) # normalize all keys
@$style.setNormalized(el, {position:"absolute"}) # same as set, but will not call normalize on obj
Manage the styles of multiple elements, imperativly and declerativly
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/styles") ]
# usage with structure & props
props: style:
type: String
name: "_style" #rename prop, as style is already taken on HTMLElement
structure: template(1,"""<div #ref="someDiv"></div>""")
data: -> height: 10
this: # to target the instance
computed: -> height: @height + "px"
data: -> position: "absolute" # can be accessed: @styles.this.position = "relative"
prop: "_style" # bind to a prop to pass through user given style
someDiv: # to target a ref
data: -> position: "absolute"
adds svg creation to structure
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/svg") ]
# allows this:
structure: template 1, """<svg></svg>"""
Unit test within a ceri view. This shouldn't be used in your component.
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/tests") ]
# usage
tests: (el) ->
describe "your compontent", ->
it "should exist", ->
Some basic helper functions
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/util") ]
# usage
@util.noop #empty function
# returns an array wrapping the argument, if it isn't already one
@util.arrayize({}) # [{}]
@util.camelize("test-test") # testTest
@util.capitalize("test") # Test
@util.hyphenate("testTest") # test-test
Adds reactive data
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/watch") ]
# usage
data: -> someData: true
someData: (val,old) -> # will be called when @someData is set
saves the element on your instance
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/structure") ]
# usage
structure: template 1, """<div #ref="someDiv"></div>"""
# accessible under @someDiv
#text, :text
sets the textContent of the element
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/structure") ]
# usage
structure: template 1, """<div #text="someText"></div>"""
# will result in <div>someText</div>
# use :text to bind to a reactive var instead
structure: template 1, """<div :text="someText"></div>"""
data: ->
someText: "content"
# will result in <div>content</div> and will be updated on change of @someText
toggle an element
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/#if") ]
# usage with structure and watch
structure: template 1, """<div #if=visible></div>"""
data: -> visible: true
toggle visibility of an element
mixins: [ require("ceri/lib/#show") ]
# usage with structure and watch
structure: template 1, """<div #show=visible></div>"""
data: -> visible: true
I want to build a mixin for ceri
All sorts of mixins can be submitted, make sure to include a unit test and a proper documentation.
Try to restrict your mixin to a namespace with the help of _rebind
# simple example
module.exports =
_name: "someMixin"
_v: 1
_rebind: "$someMixin"
mixins: [
# add the mixins you depend on
# these will be flattend on runtime
anArray: [] # will be cloned to the instance
anObject: {} # shallow cloned to the instance
aFunction: -> # will be bound to the instance
Copyright (c) 2017 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.