Library to structure a proyect with DDD, testing, types end to end, verification params.
Library to structure a proyect with DDD, testing, types end to end, verification params.
It is a DTO that contains
- topic a type of action to be performed
- id a unique identifier
- datetime creation datetime in utc
- context is as authentication, traced of the route, information of the agent who performs the request or IP, etc.
- data information necessary to carry out the topic action.
// Message Context
interface Context extends JSONObject {
trace: { id: string }[];
http: null | {
ip: string;
userAgent: string;
auth: null | {
token: string;
// Command
type CommandTopic = `cmd.${string}`;
interface Command<T extends CommandTopic, D extends JSONValue> {
ctx: Context;
id: string;
datetime: string;
topic: T;
data: D;
// Event
export type EventTopic = `evt.${string}`;
export interface Event<T extends EventTopic, D extends JSONValue> {
ctx: Context;
id: string;
datetime: string;
topic: T;
data: D;
Command/Event Definition
Define the relationship of a topic with the data and the result that returns the resolution of that command/event. Data and the result is used Zod for type validation.
// Commands
const SignInCommandDefinition = new CommandDefinition({
topic: 'cmd.auth.signIn',
data: z.object({
username: z.string(),
password: z.string()
result: z.object({
id: z.string(),
firstName: z.string(),
lastName: z.string(),
email: z.string()
const CheckBusinessEmailCommandDefinition = new CommandDefinition({
topic: 'cmd.auth.email.check',
data: z.object({
email: z.string()
result: z.object({
isBusiness: z.boolean()
// Event
export const AuthSignInEventDefinition = new EventDefinition({
topic: 'evt.auth.signedIn',
data: z.object({
userId: z.string()
Command/Event Resolver
It is the implementation of a function that resolves a command/event definition, defining the units you need (other commands/events that it emits and infrastructure as repository to databases, external services, etc.) and the errors you can throw.
interface SignInInfrastructure {
repositories: {
user: {
findByEmail(email: string): Promise<User | null>
services: {
password: {
check(password: string, hash: string): Promise<{ isSame: boolean }>
export const SignInCommandResolver = new CommandResolver({
// interface with services/repositories requerid
// this is put with an empty object and "as"
// to be able to infer the type of the interface
infrastructure: {} as SignInInfrastructure,
// Definition of Command
definition: SignInCommandDefinition,
// Different types of effects that the resolver can dispatch/emit/throw
effects: {
// Array of command defintions to dispath
commands: [
] as const,
// Array of events defintions to emit
events: [
] as const,
// Array of domain errors to throw
errors: [
new DomainError('email.incorrect', 'correo incorrecto'),
new DomainError('password.incorrect', 'contraseña incorrecta')
] as const,
// Function with business logic
method: async ({ cmd, infra, commands, events, errors }) => {
// Implementation
const checkEmail = await commands.dispatch({
topic: 'cmd.auth.email.check',
data: {
email: cmd.data.email
if (!checkEmail.isBusiness) {
throw errors['email:incorrect'];
const user = await infra.repositories.user.findByEmail({
email: cmd.data.email,
if (!user) {
throw errors['email:incorrect'];
const checkPassword = await infra.services.password.check(
if (!checkPassword.isSame) {
throw errors['password:incorrect'];
topic: 'evt.auth.signedIn',
data: {
userId: user.id
return {
id: user.id,
firstName: user.firstName,
lastName: user.lastName,
email: user.email
To section the resolvers by different modules, for example authentication, profile, mailing, etc., the modules are used, which are a group of resolvers. These modules are the ones that set up the infrastructure for each resolver.
export const AuthModule = new Module({
// Setup of Resolvers
setup: async () => {
const userRepository = new FileUserRepository();
const cryptoService = new CrytoService();
return {
// infrastructure of commands resolvers
commands: {
'cmd.auth.signIn': {
repositories: {
user: userRepository
services: {
password: cryptoService
'cmd.auth.email.check': {}
// infrastructure of event resolvers
events: {}
resolvers: {
commands: [
] as const,
events: [] as const
app is a main unique class with all modules of application.
export const app = new App({
modules: [AuthModule] as const
export type AppCommandSchema = AppInferCommandSchema<typeof app>;
export type AppEventSchema = AppInferEventSchema<typeof app>;
in file index.ts start a main funcion of applicacion with express example.
// index.ts
const main = async () => {
// create a implementation of command bus and event bus
// in ceddd/utils you have MemoryCommandBus and MemoryEventBus examples
const commands = new MemoryCommandBus<AppCommandSchema>(app.schemas.commands);
const events = new MemoryEventBus<AppEventSchema>(app.schemas.events);
// this initialize infrastructure and register al resolvers in buses
await app.init({ commands, events });
// you can dispath commands in command or subscribe to events
// EJ: with express
const app = express();
app.use(urlencoded({ extended: false }));
app.post('/api/cmd', (req, res) => {
const command = req.body;
const ip = req.headers['x-forwarded-for'] || req.socket.remoteAddress;
const userAgent = req.headers['user-agent'];
ctx: {
trace: [],
http: {
ip: ip?.toString() || '',
userAgent: userAgent?.toString() || ''
auth: command.ctx?.auth || null
topic: command.topic,
data: command.data
.then((result) => res.status(200).json(result))
.catch((error) => {
error: {
code: error?.code || 'internal',
message: error.message || 'unknown error'
app.listen('4000', () => {
console.log(`🚀 Started app in http://localhost:4000`);
HTTP Command
curl --location 'http://localhost:4000/api/cmd' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"topic": "cmd.auth.signIn",
"data": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "1234"