A JSII construct lib to build AWS Fargate Fast Autoscaler
AWS Fargate Fast Autosaler - A Serverless Implementation that Triggers your AWS Fargate autoscaling in seconds with cdk-fargate-fastautoscaler
is a aws/jsii construct library for AWS CDK.
By building your AWS CDK stacks with cdk-fargate-fastautoscaler
, you can create your customized Fargate workload with the fast autoscaling capabilities.
How it works
Behind the scene, our workload in PHP, NodeJS, Java or Python is running with a nginx reverse proxy within a single AWS Fargate Task exposing a /nginx_status
endpoint for realtime connections info generation. All traffic coming through ALB to Fargate tasks will establish active connecitons with the nginx reverse proxy before it can hit our backend server.
We are running an AWS Step Function state machine to periodically invoke the AWS Lambda function and collect active connection numbers from each Fargate Task every 3 seconds and determine our scaling policy in the state machine followed by immediate ecs service update
to increase the desired number of Fargate tasks.
AWS CDK Sample
The following CDK sample creates a PHP service in AWS Fargate with the nginx as the reverse proxy.
import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core'
import * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';
import { AwsLogDriver, ContainerImage } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecs';
import { FargateFastAutoscaler } from 'cdk-fargate-fastautoscaler';
import * as path from 'path';
const app = new cdk.App()
const env = {
region: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_REGION,
account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT,
const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, 'FargateFastAutoscalerDemo', { env })
const vpc = ec2.Vpc.fromLookup(stack, 'Vpc', { isDefault: true })
new FargateFastAutoscaler(stack, 'FargateFastAutoscaler', {
// create the backend PHP service
backendContainer: {
image: ContainerImage.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, '../../sample/backend/php')),
// PHP service running on container port 2015
backendContainerPortMapping: [ { containerPort: 2015 } ],
On deployment complete, you'll see the URL in the Outputs:
fargate-fast-autoscaling.URL =
Open this URL and you will see the Caddy web server welcome page with phpinfo.
And if you append /nginx_status
in the URL and reload the page, you'll see this page:
Start your state machine
Go to Step Function console and click start execution on the state machines. Leave the execution name and input column as is and click start execution again. Your state machine will be running. Behind the scene the step function will invoke a Lambda function to collect Active Connections number from nginx reverse proxy on each fargate task and determine a new desired number of fargate tasks to scale. Typically it would just take less than 10 seconds before it starts to scale.
SNS Service Integration
The SNSScaleOut task in the state machine leverages direct Amazon SNS service integration to publish a notification to your SNS topic. You will receive SNS notification when it starts ServiceScaleOut task.
Specify the snsTopic
property to define your custom SNS topic. If not defined, the construct will create a default SNS topic.
Disable Scale In
By default, disableScaleIn
is set to true to prevent your workload from scale-in. If you prefer to enable scale in, set disableScaleIn
to false
License Summary
This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.