CDK Construct to allow creation of Route 53 records in a different account
AWS CDK Cross Account Route53
AWS CDK Constructs that define:
- IAM role that can be used to allow discrete Route53 Record changes
- Cross Account Record construct to create Route53 cross account Route53 records
These constructs allow you to create Route53 records where the zone exists in a separate AWS account to the Cloudformation Stack.
Getting started
yarn add cdk-cross-account-route53
First create the role in the stack for the AWS account which contains the hosted zone.
// DNS Stack
const zone = new route53.PublicHostedZone(this, 'HostedZone', {
zoneName: '',
new CrossAccountRoute53Role(this, 'WebRoute53Role', {
roleName: 'WebRoute53Role',
assumedBy: new iam.AccountPrincipal('22222222'), // Web Stack Account
records: [{ domainNames: '' }],
Then in the child stack create the records
const hostedZoneId = 'Z12345'; // ID of the zone in the other account
const distribution = new cloudfront.Distribution(this, 'Distribution', {
domainNames: [''],
new CrossAccountRoute53RecordSet(this, 'ARecord', {
delegationRoleName: 'WebRoute53Role',
delegationRoleAccount: '111111111', // The account that contains the zone and role
resourceRecordSets: [{
Name: ``,
Type: 'A',
AliasTarget: {
DNSName: distribution.distributionDomainName,
HostedZoneId: 'Z2FDTNDATAQYW2', // Cloudfront Hosted Zone Id
EvaluateTargetHealth: false,
If you want to use wildcard matching on domains you can choose to not autonormalise the domains and pass in a wildcard e.g.
new CrossAccountRoute53Role(this, 'WebRoute53Role', {
roleName: 'WebRoute53Role',
assumedBy: new iam.AccountPrincipal('22222222'), // Web Stack Account
records: [{ domainNames: '*' }],
normaliseDomains: false,
new CrossAccountRoute53Role(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CrossAccountRoute53RoleProps)
- scope Construct
- id string
- props CrossAccountRoute53RoleProps
Construct Props
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| roleName | string
| The role name |
| assumedBy | iam.IPrincipal
| The principals that are allowed to assume the role |
| zone | route53.IHostedZone
| The hosted zone. |
| records | CrossAccountRoute53RolePropsRecord[]
| The records that can be created by this role |
| normaliseDomains | boolean
| Normalise the domains names as per AWS documentation (default: true) |
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| domainNames | string \| string[]
| The names of the records that can be created or changed |
| types | route53.RecordType[]
| The typepsof records that can be created. Default ['A', 'AAAA']
| actions | 'CREATE' \| 'UPSERT' \| 'DELETE'
| The allowed actions. Default ['CREATE', 'UPSERT', 'DELETE']
new CrossAccountRoute53RecordSet(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CrossAccountRoute53RecordSetProps)
- scope Construct
- id string
- props CrossAccountRoute53RecordSet
Construct Props
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| delegationRoleName | string
| The role name created in the account with the hosted zone |
| delegationRoleAccount | string
| The account identfier of the account with the hosted zone |
| hostedZoneId | string
| The hosted zoned id |
| resourceRecordSets | Route53.ResourceRecordSets
| The changes to be applied. These are in the same format as taken by ChangeResourceRecordSets Action |
Development Status
These constructs will stay in v0.x.x
for a while, to allow easier bug fixing & breaking changes if absolutely needed.
Once bugs are fixed (if any), the constructs will be published with v1
major version and will be marked as stable.
Only typescript has been tested.
npm run build
compile typescript to jsnpm run watch
watch for changes and compilenpm run test
perform the jest unit tests