Front end for Culture Cloud application
This is the front end for the Culture Clould application using React, Node.js, Express and Webpack. It is also configured with webpack-dev-server, eslint, prettier and babel.
Configure your .npmrc
file and GitHub account.
Clone the repository
git clone
cd ccloud-ui
Create and configure the .env
Create the .env
from example file:
cp .env.example .env
Then, copy the environment variables that you are missing from the QA config into the .env
file. Make sure to also remove all end of line comments:
aka config -a ccloudui-core-qa
Build and run the web app locally
# Install required node_modules
# Start both front end and back end servers (accessible @ http://localhost:3000)
yarn dev
Build and run the web app for production
# Build for production
yarn build
# Start production server
yarn start
VS Code Debugging
Start the dev server in any terminal. Navigate to the VS Code debugger in the Activity Bar. Select "Attach by Process ID" in the dropdown. Hit play. Select Node src/server/index.js
. Set debugging points. Execute code that will hit the desired debugging points. In the bottom panel, navigate to the debug console. You should now be able to execute commands.
Using Airbnb's Javascript Style Guide with some exceptions. Turned off no-console, comma-dangle and react/jsx-filename-extension rules.
OpenAPI docs
The OpenAPI documentation can be accessed at
To update the OpenAPI docs, update docs/openapi.yaml
Preview Apps
A preview site will automatically be created for each pull request. Be sure to use the prieview site URL (i.e., not the preview app URL (i.e.
Mocking our Graphql Schema
The ultimate goal of using GraphQL as part of our stack is to create a productive separation between FE and BE during development. Now you can start and finish client-side features before our servers support them by mocking our servers.
- You can build complex queries and test them without messing with our servers.
- You can implement new resolvers that mimic how the BE will handle a request.
- You have at your disposal ALL the types you would need to build new resolvers
How(to use mocking as part of your front end development)?
coming soon. I will write up a suggested workflow.
Main Scripts To Mock CC GraphQL Server
# Generates a copy of the API schema we use to make queries and mutations in this repository
# Auto generates mockServer/schema.graphql
yarn mock:introspect
# Generation of typed queries, mutations, subscriptions and typed GraphQL resolvers based on
# Auto generates mockServer/__generated__/resolver-types.ts
yarn generate:types
# Concurrently, run dev and start the mock server at localhost:4000
# This also has a REACT_APP_MOCK flag that soon will tell our Next app to look at localhost:4000 instead of graphqlgateway-core-qa
yarn mock:dev
Remaining Mocking Commands
# Soon, the only way to fetch our schema
yarn mock:schema
# Generation of typed queries, mutations, subscriptions and typed GraphQL resolvers based on mockServer/schema.graphql.
# unlike "mock:introspect", this script requires authenticating Rover with Apollo Studio.
yarn generate:local:types
# Starts mock server on port 4000. Without starting dev.
yarn mock:server
Dev Details
In order to be able to log into each new preview site, a new Core Auth web client needs to be created for each one. To accomplish this a webhook has been setup on ccloudui-core-qa
(the source app) that will fire on the creation of each new preview app. This POST request will hit an endpoint on the Core Auth API that will 1) create the new Core Auth web client, and 2) inject the necessary config vars into the app.
Webhook details:
$ aka hooks -a ccloudui-core-qa
Events: preview
Id: f181dd67-a5dc-49fb-a8b7-536171d75418
Active: true
To break this down:
- The Core Auth API is
. Note that we should always be using Core's stage environment for any non-prod apps. - The endpoint on that API is
. - The available query params are
See the Core Auth documentation for further details.