Widget for embedding Cool Climate Calculator UI with custom offset parameters.
Cool Climate Calculator Widget
This widget can be used to embed the Cool Climate Calculator UI in your site.
Make sure the following packages are installed on your machine
- node.js
- npm
Install dependencies
$ npm i
Production build
Compile into a minified bundle with external stylesheets.
$ gulp build
Watch for changes:
$ gulp watch
The compiled bundle needs to be referenced within the HTML file.
<script charset="utf-8" src="dist/bundle.min.js"></script>
A div including the id tag (equivalent to the container_id
parameter) needs to be created within the body tag.
The widget can be instantiated within a <script>
(for an example, see: dist/index.html )
new window.Widget({
container_id: 'widget_goes_here',
source: '',
campaign: 'carboncalculator',
user_platform: false,
banner_url: "",
banner_style: {'maxHeight': '60px'},
cta: {
title: 'Offset your impact on nature',
show_equation: true,
description: 'Your support will fund forest conservation and help reduce or slow the worst consequences of climate change.',
carbon_price_per_ton: 45,
offset_url: '',
button_title: 'Offset now!'
The UI of the CC Calculator is currently set to:
| property | description |
| -------- | ----------- |
| container_id | The identifier for the container which the iframe is inserted into. |
| source | String to set utm_source
on iframe URL parameter for Google Analytics. |
| campaign | String to set utm_campaign
on iframe URL parameter for Google Analytics. |
| user_platform | Boolean which can be set to false in order to hide Settings menu item and disable connection to user platform (optional). |
| banner_url | Set the URL of the top banner image for the calculator. |
| banner_style | Set the style of the banner image within the the calculator (ie so you can position it properly) - expects an object. |
| max_width | Sets maximum width of iframe. If not given, defaults to '1200px'. |
| height | Sets height of iframe. If not given, updates responsively. |
| * cta: {* | The following parameters need to be placed within this 'cta' object property. |
| title | The title that shows up above the offset section on the Take Action page. |
| show_equation | Boolean which decides whether the monthly gift equation is shown. |
| description | Sets the description text displayed above the CTA button. |
| carbon_price_per_ton | The carbon price per ton for calculating the offset amount. |
| offset_url | The URL that the call to action button is linked to. |
| button_title | The text on the call to action button. |
| * }* | |