Helper for build and serve local fragment project
CBM Fragment scripts
Helper for build and serve local fragment project
How to usedevelopment
# start a local server for local mode
cbm-fragment-scripts start
# build the bundle for production deployment
cbm-fragment-scripts build
# Build a common bundle
cbm-fragment-scripts build-commons
# Deploy the bundle assets on your CDN
cbm-fragment-scripts deploy-assets
# Clean the build folder
cbm-fragment-scripts clean
To make those scripts work you should adopt a defined project structure and set some parameters in your package.json
The package.json must have a buildConf key which gives the configuration to the cbm-fragment-scripts.
"buildConf": {
"bucketDir": "tops",
"bucketPrefix": "assets.lacentrale",
"assetsHost": {
"local": "http://www.lacentrale.local:4002",
"dev": "https://dev.lacentrale.fr",
"dev2": "https://dev2.lacentrale.fr",
"dev3": "https://dev3.lacentrale.fr",
"rec": "https://rec.lacentrale.fr",
"rec2": "https://rec2.lacentrale.fr",
"prod": "https://www.lacentrale.fr"
"externals": {
"cbm-popins": "cbm-popins",
"cbm-helpers": "cbm-helpers"
"devPort": "4002",
"maxAge": 86400
property is merge with the following default package:
- cbm-auth
- jquery
- raven-js
- react
- react-dom
The package.json can have the following scripts. start is for development purpose. That's an ENV=local is define.
"start": "ENV=local npm run cbm-clean && ENV=local npm run cbm-build-commons && ENV=local npm run cbm-start",
"build": "npm run cbm-clean && npm run cbm-build-commons && npm run cbm-build",
"cbm-start": "cbm-fragment-scripts start",
"cbm-build": "cbm-fragment-scripts build",
"cbm-build-commons": "cbm-fragment-scripts build-commons",
"cbm-clean": "cbm-fragment-scripts clean",
Project configuration
* conf (configuration used by the lambda and the fragments. This will be injected into the bundle)
* browser
* env.dev
* env.dev2
* env.dev3
* env.rec
* env.rec2
* env.prod
* server
* env.dev
* env.dev2
* env.dev3
* env.rec
* env.rec2
* env.prod
* src
* api (lambdas handlers. All files into this directory will become an output file)
* commons (shared code or libs)
* fragments (all the fragment of the stack come into a specific fragment directory)
* fragment-foo
* client
* index.js (frontend fragment entrypoint)
* server
* handler.js (express router middleware)
* pages (static pages)
* pageNameA
* client
* index.js (frontend fragment entrypoint)
* pageNameB
* client
* index.js (frontend fragment entrypoint)
* server (fragment server)
* app.js (express server)
* app.local.js (express development handler)
* lambda.js (express lambda handler)