Simple multiobserve library
Simple library to deeply observe objects.
It can be used client side but require Object.observe to be implemented.
#Observing objects
For example, we have following object that we want to observe:
var object = {
propX : 10,
propY : {
propZ : 'hello'
propQ: function(){}
to observe each subproperty object and array in tree structure:
var Multiobserve = require('multiobserve').Multiobserve
Multiobserve.observe(object, function(changes) {})
now if propZ is changed like this:
object.propY.propZ = 'bye'
we will get callback from library with the change:
type: 'update', //A string indicating the type of change taking place. One of "add", "update", "delete" or "splice".
path : ['propY', 'propZ'], //path from root
node : {propZ: 'hello'}, //this is object in object tree that was changed
oldValue : 'hello'
//index : 0 //this is the index of change - splice only
//removed : [] //array of removed elements - splice only
//addedCount : 0//number of elements added - splice only
You can provide an optional callback as third parameter which will be called for each property node and by returning true the node will be observed, otherwise skipped. For example:
Multiobserve.observe(object, function(changes) {}, function(node, path){
if(typeof node === 'function') { return false }
else { return true }