Utilites for discord authorization, requests, random, color console and more!
catto is a universal nodejs package manager module for:
- Creating sites.
- Making discord OAuth2 authorization.
- Use discord Bearer tokens.
- Generate random numbers and booleans.
- Much more!
var catto = require("catto");
catto.random.float(1,5); // 3.09551507480272448,5); // 4
catto.random.range(1,5); // 3
catto.random.bool(); // false
Creating a server/site
var catto = require("catto");
// For creating a server you need to specify domain (necessarily)
// Port, SSL status, SSL certificate, SSL key, SSL only options and noserver mode and optional
var server = new catto.server("",443,true,"ssl.cert","ssl.key",{},false);
// catto.server.fa means FA - Fast Answer, you don't need any function and response.end for it to work, just use it to send basic text data or a HTML page.
server.get("/",catto.server.fa("Hello World!")).post("/cat",(req, res) => {
// POST requests with body! JSON's parsed automatically.
req.body.meow; // Meow!
}).ws("/connectme",(ws, req) => {
// WebSocket is also supported!
}).start().on("started",() => {
// A start event.
console.log("Server has started!");
Discord Authorization
var catto = require("catto");
// You need a server/site for that.
var server = new catto.server("");
// You need to specify server, scopes, client ID and a client secret.
var authclient = new catto.auth.client(server,["identify"],"12345678910","12345qwerty");
server.get("/login",(req,res) => {
// Path /login redirects to authorization.
}).get("/api/cauth",(req,res) => {
// After authorization it redirects to /api/cauth and then you handle authorization.
authclient.on("token",async () => {
// This event emits, when your app has got a token.
// To get user info you must do sync (it's async function).
await authclient.sync();; // id of a loginned user.
Discord Authorization 2
var catto = require("catto");
var server = new catto.server("");
// If you want to load user session after restarting, you must specify accessToken, expire and refreshToken in options.
var authclient = new catto.auth.client(server,["identify"],"12345678910","12345qwerty",{
"accessToken": "12345qwerty",
"expire": 12345,
"refreshToken": "12345qwerty"
// After it, event "token" will not emit, because it's already ready
// But first, you must check, if user session if avaliable
if (!authclient.expired) {
// Do your code
} else {
// If user session is expired (7 days), you must renew it, when it done it will emit "token" event and you must save new data
Discord Authorization 3
var catto = require("catto");
var server = new catto.server("");
// Scopes
var authclient = new catto.auth.client(server,["identify","email","guilds","connections"],"12345678910","12345qwerty");
server.get("/login",(req,res) => {
}).get("/api/cauth",(req,res) => {
authclient.on("token",async () => {
// .sync() works only when identify (or/and) email are present.
// identify - ID, username, discriminator, tag, avatar, banner color, accent color, banner, avatar hash, flags and more.
// email - adds user email and is email verified to identify
await authclient.sync();
// .syncGuilds() works only when guilds is present.
// guilds - get guilds, where user is (max 200)
await authclient.syncGuilds();
// .syncConnections() works only when connections is present.
// connections - get user connections.
await authclient.syncConnections();
Discord Authorization 4
var catto = require("catto");
var server = new catto.server("");
// Scopes
var authclient = new catto.auth.client(server,["identify","guilds.join"],"12345678910","12345qwerty",{
"botToken": "12345qwerty" // You must specify bot token and bot has to added to server, which you want user to join.
server.get("/login",(req,res) => {
}).get("/api/cauth",(req,res) => {
authclient.on("token",async () => {
// To join to server you must have scopes identify and guilds.join and first you must do .sync()
await authclient.sync();
// Join server, you must specify guild ID.
await authclient.joinGuild("12345678910");
// Done, user has added to that server!
Discord Authorization 5
var catto = require("catto");
var server = new catto.server("");
var authclient = new catto.auth.client(server,["identify"],"12345678910","12345qwerty",{
"accessToken": "12345qwerty",
"expire": 12345,
"refreshToken": "12345qwerty"
server.get("/logout",(req,res) => {
// If you want to logout user you can delete his token, it will emit "remove" event
authclient.on("remove",() => {
// Done, token no more works.