Cats4uLib is a angular library which has multiple modules and easy to integrate in angular project
Cats4uLib Angular Library
Cats4uLib is a angular library which has multiple modules and easy to integrate in angular project
- tree structure in tabular form
- code editor
- single select
- multi select
- input dropdown
link will be add soon
npm i cats4u-lib
code editor module has dependency on 3rd party library .if you want to use then need to install this dependency
npm i @materia-ui/ngx-monaco-editor --force
Usage Overview
import { Cats4uLibModule } from 'cats4u-lib'
import { CatsTreeViewModule } from 'cats4u-lib/cats-tree-view'
module: [Cats4uLibModule]
Tree Structure
tableHeader = [
headerName: "name",
field: "name",
isActive: true,
headerName: "",
field: "",
isActive: true,
buttonRenderer: InputRendererComponent,
headerName: "Tenant",
field: "slug",
isActive: true,
headerName: "No of Device",
field: "devices_count",
isActive: true,
table header
table header pass into tableHeader array which has 4 keys
- headerName - pass string which you want to display as header of table
- field - contains key which value you want to display in a row (this key must be exist in tableData array).
- isActive - set boolean value which means you want to display this header or not (you can hide/show header dynamically using this key value)
- buttonRenderer - you can pass component for custom style or perform some action in a cell
icons = {
parentIcon: "/assets/svg-icon/folder.svg",
parentExpandedIcon: "/assets/svg-icon/folder-open.svg",
childIcon: "",
checkboxEnable: true,
enableRenameOption: true,
rowSelection: "single",
treeType: "folder",
parentCheckboxSelection: true,
multipleValueCheck: false,
fieldArray: [
field: "model_type",
value: "rack",
icon: "/assets/svg-icon/device.svg",
expandedIcon: "/assets/svg-icon/device.svg",
icons input property used for initial data rendering only or we can say parent data
- parentIcon - parentIcon hold icon for first column
- parentExpandedIcon - hold icon for first column which is visible after child data called or want to expand
- rowSelection - can pass 'single' or 'multiple'
- treeType - can pass 'folder' or 'checkbox'
- fieldArray - change parent icon based on field value
- multipleValueCheck - select one or more checkbox
iconConfig = {
field: "model_type",
value: "device",
checkboxEnable: true,
enableRenameOption: true,
multipleValueCheck: false,
fieldArray: [
field: "model_type",
value: "rack",
icon: "/assets/svg-icon/device.svg",
iconConfig input property for child data or row .whenever you expand parent data coreesponding child data append in tree structure table data. let's understand child data properties-
- field - if you want to add icon only single field than you can declare field otherwise use fieldArray
- value - pass value related to field .show icon based on this value
- checkboxEnable - pass boolean value for show/hide checkbox
- multipleValueCheck - enable/disable multiple checkbox selection
- fieldArray - show icon based on field value selection
Code Editor
sourceCode - pass data which you want to display width - width of the editor height - height of the editor theme - theme of the editor. 2 types of theme exist 1. vs-dark 2. vs-light or vs isMinimap - display minimap on right hand side lineNumbers - show line numbers in editor language - pass language type which you want to display 1.HTML 2.javascript 3.json 4.typescript languageCde - return updated code
Single Select Dropdown
Multi Select Dropdown
[placeholder] = "placeholder"
dropdownList - pass list as array of object selectSettings - has 2 fields 1. idField - pass key than this key represent as unique id for dropdown list 2. textField - pass key than this key text visible in dropdown list
selectSetting = {
idField: "organisation_id",
textField: "organisation_name",
onItemsChange - provide selected data placeholder - pass string which you want to display in placeholder selectedItems - pass as array of object same as options list
Input Dropdown
<cats-dropdown placeholderName="Enter Text" [optionsList]="optionsList"></cats-dropdown>
optionsList = [
{ id: 2, name: "alpha" },
{ id: 3, name: "gama" },
Further help
To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help
or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.