Run carotte functions from the command line
# 1. install latest version yarn or npm
npm i -g carotte-cli
yarn global add carotte-cli
# 2. read help
carotte help
# 3. add autocomplete (or ~/.bashrc)
carotte completion >> ~/.zshrc
carotte-bulk completion >> ~/.zshrc
Usage carotte help
carotte <cmd> [args]
carotte completion Generate completion script to be added to your
shell startup
carotte invoke <qualifier> Publish a message and await response
carotte publish <qualifier> Publish a message
carotte describe <qualifier> Describe consumer behind this qualifier
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show usage instructions. [boolean]
carotte help invoke
carotte invoke <qualifier>
Publish a message and await response
qualifier Message qualifier to be published e.g. or
topic/user.created:v1 [string] [required]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show usage instructions. [boolean]
-r, --reporter Listens to task suite events and formats input /
[choices: "dotted", "simple"] [default: "simple"]
-y, --bypassConfirmation Bypass user confirmation prompt.
[boolean] [default: false]
-c, --context Context given to published message. File path
allowed. [string]
-p, --payload Payload given to published message. If none, payload
will be read from stdin. File path allowed. [string]
--timeout Carotte invoke timeout in milliseconds.
[number] [default: 10000]
-t, --template Template used to assemble payload into JSON
payloads. If none, payload will be assumed to be
JSON payloads. [string]
--bulk Bulk process all lines in given payload. Use in
conjunction with --template (mandatory).
[boolean] [default: false]
--concurrency Maximum concurrency calls. [number] [default: 50]
-b, --break-on-error Abort run suite on first task error.
[boolean] [default: false]
-f, --force Force call thus bypassing schema validation.
[boolean] [default: false]
Environment variables
CAROTTE_HOST set to your local broker endpoint e.g. amqp:5672
CAROTTE_DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY set to an integer to have it configured by default
CAROTTE_CLI_BYPASS_CONFIRMATION set to "true" if you want to bypass always
CAROTTE_CLI_BYPASS_RESPONSE_VALIDATION set to "true" if you want to bypass response validation
CAROTTE_CLI_DD_API_KEY set to Datadog API Key to enable its log transport
COLUMN_SEPARATOR set the column separator for CSV file (e.g. `COLUMN_SEPARATOR="\n"`)
CAROTTE_CLI_DD_SOURCE log DD source configuration
CAROTTE_CLI_DD_LOG_DELAY log DD delay waiting for logs to be pushed
CAROTTE_CLI_USER log DD user appended to each log