The File-System operator module
The FileSystem Operator
Install and Usage
$ npm install caro-fs
var cf = require('caro-fs');
cf.exists(['caro-fs.js']); // boolean
Dir | File | Path | TypeCheck | Utility
- isEmptyDir(path... [cb]) - check if empty folder
var r = cf.isEmptyDir('/1'); // boolean
var r2 = cf.isEmptyDir('/1', '/2', function (err, path){
// catch error and path
}); // boolean
- readDirCb(path, cb [opt]) - get file-info under dir
cf.readDirCb('../src', function(err, oFileInfo) {
// you can stop callback by return false
// filename
// extendName
// basename
// filePath
// dirPath
// fullPAth
// fullDirPath
// fileType
// layer
// index
}, {
maxLayer: 1, // the layer you want to get, will get all if 0
getDir: true, // if get dir
getFile: true, // if get file
getByExtend: false // e.g. 'js,html' => only get .js and .html files
}); // - here is default options
- createDir(path... [cb]) - create folder
var r = cf.createDir('./src/lib/coffee'); // boolean (will try to create /src/lib, /src/lib/coffee)
var r2 = cf.createDir('./\/test','test2/sub_test', function (err, path){
// catch error and path
}); // boolean
- readFile(path [cb] [opt]) - read file content
var r = cf.readFile('./caro-fs.js'); // string of data or null
var r2 = cf.readFile('./caro-fs.js', function(err, data) {
// catch error and data
encoding: null,
flag: null
}); // - here is default options
- writeFile(path, data [cb] [opt]) - write file with data
var data = cf.writeFile('./test.html');
var r = cf.writeFile('./test.html', data); // boolean
var r2 = cf.writeFile('./test.html', function(e) {
// catch error
encoding: null,
flag: null,
mode: null
}); // - here is default options
- copyFile(path, newPath [cb] [opt]) - copy file
var r = cf.copyFile('./test.html', './test2.html');
var r2 = cf.copyFile('./1.jpg', './2.jpg'); // boolean
var r3 = cf.copyFile('./1.jpg', './2.jpg', function(e) {
// catch error
encoding: null,
flag: null
}); // - here is default options
- getFsSize(path [fixed=1] [unit]) - get file size(bytes), or specific unit (KB/MB.../KiB/Mib....)
var r = cf.getFsSize('./caro-fs.js'); // e.g. 439078
var r2 = cf.getFsSize('./fileNotExists.js'); // null
var r3 = cf.getFsSize(123000, 5, 'gib'); // 0.1173
- humanFeSize(path [fixed=1] [si=true]) - get and cover file size for easy-reading
var r = cf.humanFeSize('./caro-fs.js', 3); // e.g. '439.1 KB'
var r2 = cf.humanFeSize('./fileNotExists.js', 3); // null
var r3 = cf.humanFeSize(10000000, 2, false); // '9.54 MiB'
- setAbsolutePath(path) - set root absolute path
var r = cf.setAbsolutePath('/path/from/root'); // '/path/from/root'
var r2 = cf.setAbsolutePath('/path2//from\root'); // '/path2/from\root'
- getAbsolutePath(path) - get root absolute path
var r = cf.getAbsolutePath(); // '/path/from/root'
- normalizePath(path...) - normalize path
var r = cf.normalizePath('path//seems/not/exists'); // 'path/seems/not/exists'
var r2 = cf.normalizePath('path', '\exists'); // 'path/exists'
- isFullPath(path...) - check if absolute path
var r = cf.isFullPath('/path/root/caro-fs.js'); // true
var r2 = cf.isFullPath('/path/root/caro-fs.js', '/path2'); // false
- getDirPath(path) - get dir-path of file
var r = cf.getDirPath('/path/from/root'); // '/path/from'
var r2 = cf.getDirPath('/path/from/root/caro-fs.js'); // '/path/from/root'
- getFileName(path [getFull=true]) - get file name
var r = cf.getFileName('/path/from/root'); // 'root'
var r2 = cf.getFileName('/path/from/root/caro-fs.js'); // 'caro-fs.js'
var r3 = cf.getFileName('/path/from/root/caro-fs.js', false); // 'caro'
- getExtendName(path [withDot=true]) - get extend-name of file
var r = cf.getExtendName('caro-fs.js'); // '.js'
var r2 = cf.getExtendName('caro-fs.js.bk', false); // 'bk'
- coverToFullPath(path) - cover to absolute path
var r = cf.coverToFullPath('caro-fs.js'); // '/path/from/root/caro-fs.js'
var r2 = cf.coverToFullPath('other', 'caro-fs.js'); // '/path/from/root/other/caro-fs.js'
var r3 = cf.coverToFullPath('/path/from/root/caro-fs.js'); // '/path/from/root/caro-fs.js'
- isDir(path... [cb]) - check if directory
var r = cf.isDir('./a'); // boolean
var r2 = cf.isDir('./a', './caro-fs.js'); // return false is one of them not directory
var r3 = cf.isDir('a', 'b', function(err, path, result){
// catch error, path, if-directory
}); // boolean
- isFile(path...) - check if file
var r = cf.isFile('./caro-fs.js'); // boolean
var r2 = cf.isFile('./a','./caro-fs.js'); // return false is one of them not file
var r3 = cf.isFile('a', 'b', function(err, path, result){
// catch error, path, if-file
}); // boolean
- isSymlink(path...) - check if symbolic link
var r = cf.isSymlink('./a','./caro-fs.js'); // boolean
var r2 = cf.isSymlink('./a','./caro-fs.js'); // return false is one of them not symbolic link
var r3 = cf.isSymlink('a', 'b', function(err, path, result){
// catch error, path, if-symbolic
}); // boolean
- getFileType(path) - get file type
var r = cf.getFileType('./caro-fs.js'); // dir/file/link, or ''
- setFsTrace(bool) - if console.error when got exception (default=false)
- getStat(path [type='l']) - get file stat
// 'l' => lstatSync, 'f' => fstatSync, 's' => statSync
var r = cf.getStat('./caro-fs.js','l');
- exists(path... [cb]) - check file if exist
var r = cf.exists('./caro-fs.js'); // boolean
var r2 = cf.exists('./a', './caro-fs.js'); // return false is one of them not exists
var r3 = cf.exists('a', 'b', function(err, path, result){
// catch error, path, if-exists
}); // boolean
- deleteFs(path... [force=false]) - delete file/directory
var r = cf.deleteFs('./1.js','./2.lnk'); // boolean
var r2 = cf.deleteFs('./test','./1.js','./2.lnk', function(err, path){
// catch error and path
}, true); // boolean (force-delete if possible for folder)
- renameFs(path, newPath [cb] [force=false]) - rename file/directory
r = cf.renameFs('./a', './b/c', true); // boolean
r2 = cf.renameFs(['1.js', 'a/2.js'], ['3.js', '4.js'], function(err, path1, path2){
// catch error and path
}, true); // boolean (force-create folder for path2 if possible)